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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/18 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    We've done 9pm EST time on past Friday evenings for a Rabbit. I will set up a room tomorrow at that time for anyone interested!
  2. 4 points
    (That one also has a little High Noon reference, with the badge toss at the end.)
  3. 2 points
    I don't know ... few things my life bring me as much satisfaction as a really great view. I've never been to NYC, but I think I'd demand that you take me to some spot where I could get a good view of the city at least once. Doesn't have to have a gift shop. This is all EXACTLY my point. First of all, I simply don't really get why Pornstacheless is angry or what he resents ... just, that he was almost killed? Okay fair enough, but there is that bullshit exchange where he gets all mad and jealous at the D"TR"J's awesome new life when his own life doesn't really seem all that bad. He grimaces when marriage is mentioned, so I guess he just really wants to settle down and have kids? And if so ... get out there, meet some women, get out of the stuffy office full of mobsters and international assassins and hit a club. Or fucking download Tinder and swipe at work or while you're the ferry. My point is, as awful as it must be to have a brush with death, what did he lose, what doesn't he have, that he wants so much? And to your point, gigi, up until he sees Will with the tablet after the snatch-and-grab, his plan seems to be just to set Will up to take the fall for the hacking that turned the fire system off and allowed the building to burn down. Which is, what ... a couple of years in prison? Ruins his life? It's harsh but it's not murder. So I imagine the mindset up until then was "Yeah, fuck that guy because he got my neck all scarred up and now no one will love me so I'm going to help people commit crimes and blame him for it," or whatever. More importantly, why would you take the chance that D"TR"J wouldn't take the gun from you and beat you to death with it? I would have sincere doubts that a few rounds from a 9mm could take that man down.
  4. 2 points
    Well I sort of think the whole thing is a fantasy montage haha
  5. 2 points
    I haven't listened yet, but I couldn't wait to see that Mel Gibson Simpsons clip.
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
    I don't think Lovett's comparison to Trump works, because Smith doesn't campaign on a platform of shaking things up (like the "reformer" demanded by the populace, whom the governor chooses Smith instead of). Instead he's more like a Rex Tillerson, someone who never sought ought any kind of public office and only served because he was asked to (despite knowing virtually nothing about his job and not being particularly good at it). He even got undermined by the people who appointed him! I really liked how Senator Paine is depicted as being a mostly decent person who has made compromises for what he sees as the greater good. Smith's filibuster fails to achieve the aims it was intended for, so it all comes down to Paine having that shred of decency (foreshadowed earlier) which means he can't stomach the lowest depths of what he's signed on to.
  8. 1 point
    Awesome. I should be able to make it to a 9pm show Friday.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    To everything turn, turn, turn. There is a bend, turn turn turn. NOPE. You've failed your driving test again Mr. Cody.
  11. 1 point
    I like my women like I like my corn—sweet, creamy, and fresh from the can.
  12. 1 point
    Is this a Jacob's Ladder scenario ahead of it's time? Say, Jefferson gets bitten by a snake out on a hike with the boys and it's a all a fever dream and when he collapses on the Senate floor, he finally dies. Maybe?
  13. 1 point
    Did anyone else think the scene where Jefferson goes on a rage-punching rampage was a fantasy montage? And speaking of montages, I felt like they missed out by not including a makeover sequence with Jefferson and Saunders, where he's the one coming out of the dressing room in various tweeds and Saunders sitting in a chair, judging the outfits with a thumbs up/down.
  14. 1 point
    Back in my day, we had to write out our catchphrases in longhand using our own blood as ink due to the ink shortages caused by the using ink as blood fad that was sweeping the nation and mopping the country at the time.
  15. 1 point
    Oh yes I meant to mention this as well. Botha's theory is that, in a fire, you immediately grab the thing you care the most about. It made me laugh because about two years ago there was an ad campaign about what a family of four grabbed in an emergency because they didn't have a plan. I believe the mom had a flashlight with no batteries and the kid got the cat. It makes me smile to think that mom really LOVED that flashlight. I wish I could find a link to the poster. But there is pretty ample evidence that when people panic they don't do the most logical thing. It would've been funny if the Building Man grabbed something completely unrelated to the vibrator mcguffin--like one of those ornate statues or something? Then he did get on the helicopter and was like "oooh, I forgot about that thing."
  16. 1 point
    The scene in the beginning where Building Man was demonstrating the Pearl's cameras, making it look like they were standing in the middle of the sky---I don't know about you but I would have done some combination of scream/faint/crap my pants. The Rock was like: "Hm." Also I enjoyed the graphs of the jumping-from-the-crane trajectory, but I really want to see stats about how quickly one could actually climb a crane 98 stories into the sky. This movie makes it seem like 6 or 7 minutes and the dude has a prosthetic leg.
  17. 1 point
    In another case of this building just having lawsuits waiting to happen can we talk about how weak the windows were? Now the first window The Rock smashes is with the use of a crane. That's a lot of force, so fair enough that it breaks. Yet when we get up to Hong Kong Business Man's penthouse suite the windows are able to be smashed with the pure brute strength of The Rock holding a Chinese wood carving. The penthouse is by the turbines near the top of the building which according to the scale chart in the movie place them somewhere around the 3,000' mark. You think with strong fast moving winds at that height and environmental hazards at that elevation you'd use a much thicker stronger glass. If all it takes is one really hard whack and it completely shatters what's going to stop some idiot from running into them thinking it's funny and falling to their doom? Or worse yet a large flight of birds hitting the window? Cutting corners and installing cheap, thin glass just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
  18. 1 point
    OK, something else I just thought of that I need some clarification on... When the Rock and building guy meet Botha at the end of the film, building guy seemingly double crosses The Rock and pulls a gun on him. Was that the plan that The Rock and him came up with or was building guy legitimately trying to go rogue? I was leaning towards it all being a ruse that they concocted together, but later after the fighting is over, The Rock tells building guy “You almost had me convinced” which seems like an insult if they had planned it.
  19. 1 point
    I want to know if he was just stewing about this for all these years and suddenly an opportunity presented itself to get revenge (if so damn he went in HARD) or if he's been planning a way to kill or destroy the Rock all this time and he just got a perfect opportunity. Like does his apartment have a creepy wall of photos of the Rock with the eyes all gouged out or something? Has he been actively plotting ways to murder/wreck this man? Because it's one thing to frame someone (still an insane reaction) but it's another thing entirely to kill him and his family. Do the other surviving members of the Rock's former team hate him this much? Is Linda from H.R plotting to do away with him next? I think that the Pearl would be a novelty in Hong Kong but I don't think it would be the world's number one attraction. It would be interesting because it's new but that's about it.
  20. 1 point
    Also are we really to expect this building is just allowing any kind of visitor to come up to the pearl? Outside of a few floors towards the very bottom of the building, this is a residential tower. What kind of apartment complex come up to visit this attraction?
  21. 1 point
    Yeah. The Pearl is really weird because it honestly feels kind of low tech for something that is supposed to be futuristic. I thought it was going to be some X-men Danger Room type thing but it never was more than shitty hall of mirrors. For a building that is so cutting edge technologically, why was there that scene where they kept saying that no one lived on the floor Rock and Neve live on? Wouldn't this building definitely have a record of where people live? Or motion sensors? Which also makes me wonder why were Rock and Neve even living on that floor? It was partially open to live in other floors right? Was every apartment taken? Rock's business was operating "out of his garage" How could they afford to live in, what I assume has to be, one of the most expensive apartments on Earth?
  22. 1 point
    I think there’s some anger and resentment over the fact that when they are in the hostage situation, Pablo tells the Rock, “I got a clean shot” and the Rock stops him, believing he can be his charming self and simply talk the guy into turning himself in.
  23. 1 point
    Edit: because I misread and thought you said it is the number one. I'll leave my comment as is. I mean people only go to giant buildings to do one thing and that is go to top and look around. But at this point in the movie the residential section, the garden section, and "The Pearl" aren't even open yet. So people are just able to go to the mall section which is what the first twenty floors it said? Are they that excited just to see the building and shop in it?Nobody wants to go to the world's tallest building and just go to the fifth floor. That's crazy.
  24. 1 point
    the host talks about dicks a lot and then says "is that a t-shirt?" a lot, so yeah it's pretty unique.
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