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  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
    In some versions one chips off her toes and the other her heel. Then if I recall birds sing to take Prince to look at her feet because the shoes full of blood now. I know in some versions at the end birds peck out the eyes of the stepmother and step sister. Personally I don't know how I feel about that and it circles around to how I feel about this story. I'm not sure if it's fair to be so horrible to the stepsisters. This is clearly a household of abuse.sometimes people in those situations do what they can to survive. Being kind to Cinderella is probably not going to be looked on very favorably. Also this is literally all they know. They have been living with their mother all their lives. clearly she is a warped person. And it's always bothered me that the "bad" sisters are the "ugly" ones. As someone who's grown up fat my whole life I know how it feels to have to societal stigma of being "ugly" ( I don't think I'm ugly. But it must be acknowledged that being thin is the ideal in our society) I could very easily see how the stepmother could prey on her daughter's by constantly pointing out imperfections and with Cinderella lacking those issues that could lead to even more fucked up be a and resentment. Since they were never taught to treat people with kindness and it's expected that they mistreat her they might double down and suddenly years have passed and it's as easy to be cruel to her as to breathe. It's not right but I can understand how it happened. As for the story I agree. It's just so frustrating to me! Unless Cinderella is wearing a FULL face mask ( no domino eye mask bullshit here) the Prince should have a vague idea what she looks like. Honesty if I was Cinderella I would be INSULTED that he couldn't get at least some of my features right! If this is supposed to be true love at first sight then YOU BETTER FUCKING KNOW WHAT I LOOK LIKE BUDDY!! At least a general idea. I'd be fine if they were to put in a line that for political reasons does to not offend the nobles every woman from the ball has to try it on or something. speaking of I really don't like this story because of the love at first sight I think. I love Beauty and the Beast stories because they get to know each other. Here they meet for a few hours and that's it! You can't find out if you really like someone in that length of time much less that they are the love of your life!
  3. 3 points
    I saw this topic and got excited because I watched the R&H Cinderella with Lesley Ann Warren (the LAW) over and over as a kid. I remember watching th Brandy version and liking it but I don’t remember it as vividly. RIP Whitney.
  4. 3 points
    First I'll start off with the praise. Much like mentioned I enjoyed the colourblind casting of this movie and how much of a non-issue it was. In addition the cast are incredible singers and I liked the songs. My major complaint was I wasn't really feeling the step sisters so much. I get that they are suppose to be the comedic relief but the bouncing between non-comedic bullying of Cinderella and then comedic buffoonery just give me a nose bleed. This leads me to my larger thing I realized. I hate to say this but... I don't think I like the Cinderella story that much. Again like grudlian pointed out this story has a weird issue with the prince being face blind and in this movie with him meeting her before the ball and then not recognizing her is even more confusing. I guess it just kinda falls into the trope of the nerdy girl taking off her glasses and now she's beautiful. It's also close to the Clark Kent/Superman problem. I'm not a fan of it. It is also a story of little to no consequence for the "evil" characters. The step sisters and mom are cruel to Cinderella and their punishment is not marrying the prince they had no chance with to begin with. I think I heard in the original they chop off their toes to fit into the slipper or something.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    The bigger issue with face blindness, I just realized, is how do the step sisters not recognize her? Ok. You don't think it's her because Cinderella is scrubbing floors at home and doesn't own a fancy ball gown. But certainly you'd notice they look the same? As a kid, I always thought it was ridiculous that the glass slipper didn't fit anyone else's foot. In the whole kingdom, no one had the same size foot? But this face blindness is really over the top.
  7. 2 points
    I am reading the oral history WatchOut posted and this is the worst idea I have ever heard.
  8. 2 points
    A very happy birthday to Gigi! And a belated happy birthday to Taylor Anne!
  9. 2 points
    I too loved this one! LAW will always hold a special place in my heart, but the singing was just beyond! I remember this being a big deal when it came out. Definitely appointment viewing. This is so very 1997, but I think that makes it perfect! I love all of it. This afternoon I've been reading over shondaland's oral history of the Brandy/Houston version. It's a great read. Basically, the whole idea was Whitney Houston's love child, and she was originally going to be Cinderella, but decided she'd be better as Fairy Godmother and sought out Brandy to play the lead. Everyone involved was really dedicated to a color blind casting, and they were also big fans of the LAW 1967 version, which may have played a role in how much I found this a really lovely adaptation. My only criticism is that the two new numbers they added felt really off in tone and style from the rest of the songs. But Whitney definitely deserved that solo at the end. RIP
  10. 2 points
    Everyone else:you are lying. The boys are at pcast me: pcast is a shite name. merry Christmas everyone.
  11. 2 points
    I know one thing Adam can’t ruin- Hollywood Handbook- another great episode
  12. 2 points
    seems a bit vain, but who am i to argue?
  13. 1 point
    So apparently Whoopi convinced Harry Winston to lend them millions of dollars worth of jewelry for her character to wear. Work Whoopi!
  14. 1 point
    I was interested in seeing this as the books are pretty well regarded, and it's a somewhat interesting premise, but boy does this seem like another in an increasingly long line of YA film adaptations that missed the soul of piece being adapted. Yet I'm a glutton for punishment and I'm sure I can get a theater to myself if I see this before it's out of theaters in a week or two. Also, the estimated loss for this has now jumped to $150 million.
  15. 1 point
    Earwolf tweeted out a video that Engineer Cody Sam took of Monster Fuck, and the intensity of Wiger's performance goes to another level with the visual element added in.
  16. 1 point
    Re: baking time on “Nailed it” I think they would have to be very efficient and professional to do the cakes in that time. I think thI show is , obviously, not mean for them to complete it but the time constraint also makes them work faster than they should. Re: Holiday in Handcuffs. Is anyone else having a lot of trouble getting through this movie? I don’t know if it’s second hand anxiety or just lack of caring. But like MJH’s life at th beginning didn’t seem that bad. She had a job and an apartment. Yeah she wanted that interview to work out (but interviews are not job offers) and wanted the douchey guy to spend Christmas with her family but it wasn’t like either of her siblings had dates? So I am not sure why she felt she had to? And like, if your hair is too curly just get it wet. Has she not seen “Legally Blonde” and/or ever curled her hair before? Haven’t finished yet... still.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Apparently, the boys have been banned at the last minute from doing an episode entitled Carl Tart, Our Flagrant Friend. They will need to do an emergency record that they haven’t prepared for. So there WILL be a popcorn gallery. They won’t even find out the guest (Brian Huskey) until they walk in the studio. So send in your questions ASAP.
  19. 1 point
    It's like the aphorism (usually credited to Stalin, but it precedes him) that "One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." Humans experience empathy in a lot of different ways, and for many people the sight of bodies in mass graves is an abstract horror; something that is recognizably despicable yet somehow distant. Those people may understand the event more intimately if they are shown the personalities/souls/living essences that were extinguished. This is why the Diary of Anne Frank is still so moving for so many people, and why even slightly factually incorrect depictions can contextualize the horrors for people in a different way. As sycasey said, it's not more or less valuable, but it's different.
  20. 1 point
    Also this pro version was v funny. Brett was on fire, Kevin was being quite big for his britches, only thing missing was Bosch doing a huge squeaky
  21. 1 point
    Oh man, Jake Johnson was having none of their shenanigans. Imma go restart the whole backlogue again
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Does Adam even watch his own show? The boys pretty much schooled the shizz outta him. Does this mean Sean and Hayes own adam's show now? No give backs? great ep.
  24. 1 point
    Look, I don’t know codenames, decrypto or your family, but they all sound very nice. Do you know what else sounds very nice? I do. it’s this episode. If anyone hasn’t listened to it, I’d say go ahead and do so.
  25. 1 point
    We'll do this movie later, but I remember seeing Rear Window in a film class and some of the students were tittering at the dated aspects of it (Grace Kelly sneaking around in her bright sundress). But then it reached that moment where Raymond Burr looks right up at Jimmy Stewart's camera, and the whole class was suddenly hushed in dread. That Hitchcock guy was pretty good.
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