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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/20 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    So I took some time off because I was super depressed and my anxiety made it imposible to finish anything and I couldn't lsten to a whole podcast episode. I'm actually still really behind on the show but I missed you all so much, And THIS is the shit I come back to? I haven't even started The Peaunut Butter Salution and am just staring at the poster and already I feel I need an Emotional Support June for this motion picture. I should never leave the podcast unsupervised. I don't know why but I just feel like I could have stopped this somehow. Let me have that dream of control as I go down what looks liek a terrfying and very sticky nightmare
  2. 2 points
    For sure. I watched Party Down as it aired (there are dozens of us!). I definitely was not using that word with that meaning by 2009 but it was common enough that I don't remember it sticking out at the time. I listened to the full run of HDTGM last year and was really surprised at some of the language in the early episodes.
  3. 2 points
    I saw Gutenberg on the HDTGM instagram today and screamed. Love him. And he mentioned PARTY DOWN, which made me happy. Paul and June were both on that show and the Guttenberg Birthday Party episode is one I think about a lot. (Fleet of blimps) also this weekend I watched ALONE and FLOOR IS LAVA. Thumbs up to both. How gonna watch Steve Guttenberg’s Birthday agains because I just noticed that is the full episode! ETA: @gigi-tastic since I am forum!june and Cameron is forum!paul (how are you today, Cameron?), I feel like I should offer you my emotional support services. I haven’t watched it either. Cameron, who is the Jason of our group?
  4. 2 points
    Wheelers! I couldn't remember the name for them. I read the Baum books in like 1988 or so, so I don't remember many details but images of wheeled monkeys stuck.
  5. 1 point
    I have not watched The Floor is Lava show, but I have played this game since high school. When I was 18 I attempted to carry a football player on my back across a high school basketball gym, I am 5' 2 2.5" and he fell on me with me landing on my chest. My back has never been without pain since. What a nightmare, but the show sounds fun!
  6. 1 point
    To my knowledge, every NWC cartridge owner was known and documented before 10 years ago in the NES collecting community. Maybe not quite every cartridge but damn near. I believe some are lost to time because the person sold/lost it before they got crazy valuable. I know that you could post a picture of one and people could identify its owner based purely on the condition of it. I came relatively close to buying one around 2004 when they were around $2000. It was on ebay and I even messaged the seller saying that I could give him $1500 immediately but it would take to my next paycheck for the rest. He wouldn't do it because he needed the cash. I wish I had asked some friends or parents for money because I'd definitely sell it for a massive profit. I'm currently 44 games away from a complete collection (including unlicensed games) but I've definitely given up on that. The most expensive games used to be a couple hundred dollars. Now a few of the noteworthy titles are a grand easy. I have a few but I was lucky enough to get them cheap back when they were just hard to find not stupidly expensive.
  7. 1 point
    When Nintendo actually held the Nintendo World Championship in 1990, they did slightly modify the games slightly. Competitors played Tetris, Rad Racer and Super Mario Bros. The games themselves aren't modified but they switched once you finished your goal for that particular game. They used a special cartridge with those three games (incidentally, if you have one, please give it to me because they are worth tens of thousands of dollars).
  8. 1 point
    I just listened to that ep a few weeks ago for Howdies research, and I’m 90% sure it was Welcome to Frogtown. If you look through that thread, I definitely pulled that time stamp.
  9. 1 point
    I don’t remember which episode it was, but an audience member called himself The Jason of Their Group and Jason was not impressed, to say the least. It was an arrogant claim, but I almost (ALMOST) admire the guy for making it. But he couldn’t back it up in the slightest.
  10. 1 point
    That's a fantastic question. I'm not sure, tbh. Jason, as an archetypal figure, is something I think many people aspire to be, and perhaps privately think that they are, but very few people can attain. A Jason must be able to wear many hats. A Jason must be able to be thoughtful and outrageous with equal alacrity. The dichotomy of a Jason is of pushing away ("Don't touch me"), while simultaneous drawing people to him with his charisma. Most importantly, A Jason would never ever think of himself as a Jason. They would just be one.
  11. 1 point
    Holy shit, there’s even an escalator! Are we sure this wasn’t an Us prequel?
  12. 1 point
    Ok, just into the first 20 minutes of this, but it appears that Dorothy has been zapped into the land of the Tethered. The graffiti coming to life feels very much like Us! Before they start speaking, that is.
  13. 1 point
    Yeah that was the reason most came to for the movie not being touched and for other times where episodes were pulled for a time (The Smurfs was gone for a bit as the female lead of the movie was on The League for quite a few episodes after the podcast had come out). Fingers are crossed though that it can now happen as New Girl is over and in recent years they've had people on the show after they have been roasted on the podcast, Charlize Theron being the biggest example. That there is the JFK level conspiracy that needs to be cracked.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Someone can correct me, but Return To Oz was kind of a mishmash of the second and third Oz books right? They just took characters from both and made up a movie around them if I remember correctly. I definitely don't remember the books being so horrifying as the movie either.
  16. 1 point
    I thought the movie versions were terrifying but they didn't even capture one tenth of their nightmare potential.
  17. 1 point
    Your salty fox won't get ya home with my faulty aux on saxophone. My trusty ox is on prednisone. If ya want the sauce we’ll throw the bone.
  18. 1 point
    So I overall enjoyed the movie. Mostly for it's music and wonderful production design. I thought the make up and costumes were fabulous. Story wise there are some problems. I think Dorothy here has real weak motivations and not a real arc. In addition I thought some of the metaphors worked better than others and they seemed to forget about that at points. However updating the poppy fields to be drugs and stuff like that I thought were good and creative.
  19. 1 point
    I have always loved how Dorthy takes the witch’s shoes like she’s in RPG trying to gear up her character.
  20. 1 point
    You forgot to mention that Judi Dench is in this. She's like this tough Fairy Police Captain/Military General. She sends what seems to be the whole army for one boy. When she comes out of some big military looking thing, shes says something really cheesy like "top of the mornin' to ya." My 8 year-old son loved it though. If you need a 5-start review, I can get one for you.
  21. 1 point
    Ah finally got to crack open this gif for C&Os: As for Floor is Lava, I've watched a couple episodes and it's been entertaining, but I cannot stand the rapport between the teammates because it is so forced and hokey. It's clear a producer told them to act like the kool-aid they are dodging is real lava, but every team has gone overboard with this to the point where I'm watching the show on mute at times. It also doesn't help that the host sounds like Guy Fieri's brother.
  22. 1 point
    Jason Mantzoukas is 100% correct regarding Ahsoka
  23. 1 point
    Between this John Carter, and a Wrinkle in Time i'm feeling like Disney should maybe take a break on adapting bonkers children books.
  24. 1 point
    I don’t know if you’re still taking submissions, but one June not having it moment that I LOVE is in The Jazz Singer episode when Paul and Jason were perplexed by Lucie Arnaz changing the baby’s diaper on the beach and June says something to the effect of “I saw a single mother making a choice and I didn’t question it.” The way she said it was like dropping a mic. The Little Italy episode when they revealed the movie had been released within a couple months of them making the episode and June was so shook, “like a rattle inside her body”. I often use that quote in my everyday life. I don’t know if that would fall under June not having it or what... I love the idea of a fashion category! In Jaws 3D, the whole conversation about Jason’s fanny pack leading into Paul’s book bag is a pretty great one. June Slam or audience abuse from Meghan and Harry, when the audience member complained about it being the second time she had to do an accent to ask a question and June says something like and you haven’t taken the time to work on it since last time. Another audience abuse that I thought was great was the tank top bros in the balcony. Jason and June ridiculing them. They ended up redeeming themselves. I cannot remember what episode this was though. Somehow, they have to work in June being on jury duty and calling in. That was AMAZING. On The Spirit of Christmas.
  25. 1 point
    Maybe it’s getting a boost because I saw that movie done live and actually watched the movie itself, but the cops in Unforgettable (from what I remember from seeing it almost a year ago and a quick Wikipedia glance) : -Can’t be bothered to look up the main antagonist’s criminal record after she is accused of stalking, which turns out to be serious. -Do not believe a staking victim in the slightest, and are in fact uber-skeptical of her for no apparent reason. -Completely let someone who appears to have murdered go because the evidence against her is “circumstantial.” -Have absolutely never heard of anyone making a fake Facebook profile and refuse to even believe it's likely. They also see nothing suspicious about the account being created so recently and definitely don’t comb it for anything that could give it away as fake.
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