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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I haven't seen this movie since I was young. I remember not liking it. But I am in the middle of the podcast and I want to ask you guys if I am remembering the FIRST movie correctly. As I recall, Mikey talks in Bruce Willis's voice, yes. George Segal is the bio dad and he's a real douchebag. He is her boss, was already married and Kirstie Alley thought he would leave his wife but he doesn't and she later finds out he has other women on the side as well. John Travolta develops and inexplicable relationship after the baby is born in his cab (or after he drives her to the hospital?) Then he becomes Mikey's babysitter, right? So he takes care of the kid. Which is how he bonds with Mikey and slowly falls in love with Kirstie Alley, right? (But they immediate have problems in this one? After all that build up?) Then she randomly becomes obsessed with Mikey needing a dad. Mikey meets George and thinks he's a douchebag. There is a scene where they wreck his office (I remember Mikey being like, "yeah let's trash the place!") And the end is Mikey is in jeopardy somehow and John Travolta saves him at which point Mikey utters his first REAL word when he calls him "Dada." I would think that after Mikey speaks for REAL, he would stop having the inner monologue? Wasn't it supposed to express his feelings when he can't actually speak? So why not just have Roseanne do the voice of the new kid? And maybe have Bruce Willis do a baby voice? I don't get it.
  2. 2 points
    I have to touch on a couple of things that Jason brought up, first up the notion that Travolta as a pilot isn't making enough and has to drive a taxi as a second job is firmly rooted in reality. Most starting pilots make less than $20,000 a year, so thats perfectly believable to me. The other is him noticing how macabre the cartoon that Mikey is watching and being confused as to how a parent could let a kid watch that. Growing up, one of my parents bought a Tex Avery collection of cartoons on VHS that I watched endlessly. You want to talk about some questionable shit, you should try watching Screwball Classics sometime and see how not well thats aged. The cartoon in question is actually an old school Betty Boop from the 30's. And the art style of the cartoon should be familiar to anyone who's played the absurdly difficult Cuphead. They were directly inspired by the old cartoons from Max Fleischer. The full cartoon is below, which is actually really interesting, especially how well they animated Cab Calloways dance moves.
  3. 2 points
    He doesn't remember much but does have a memory of John Travolta having dinner with him and his parents. Here's a picture his mom shared of him and JT on set. Also, Robert is the subject of his own documentary called Wizard Mode which is so good. He's autistic and one of the greatest pinball players in the world.
  4. 2 points
    While they make light of Richard Pryor opting out of his movie because he was sick, this movie was in development and probably filming the same year he had his second heart attack and had bypass surgery. He might have actually been genuinely not well at the time they were going to record him.
  5. 2 points
    I am sad and disturbed to realise this is the second HDTGM movie involved with my sexual awakening as a child. The first was Garbage Pail Kids where I got strange 'belly tingles' for the villain. Now I remember sitting to watch the first Look Who's Talking with my parents and the opening credits being a lot of sperm swimming towards an egg. I looked at my Mum and Dad and asked what were all those tadpoles doing in a film about babies and immediately my Mum turned the VHS off and said 'I think you're too young for this film.'
  6. 2 points
    This movie set a really terrible example when during the climax they run into the burning apartment building and they see Mikey coming out of the elevator with Julie and he is praised for saving his sister. If the power had gone out that elevator would have become their tomb. Take the stairs, Mikey. I was moderately shocked to see that this movie had credited writers and even more shocked to see that one of them wrote Real Genius! CameronH, I am sorry if you are learning that from me. I want to know who is responsible for Rona's lines during the gun in her face meet cute with the psycho brother. Rona first says "Mollie never said she had a brother." followed seconds later with her saying "Mollie said some wonderful things about you." I also thought it was a little weird that they didn't try and mine the unplanned pregnancy aspect for some comedy or some tension. It never gets a single mention through the whole movie.
  7. 2 points
    I would LOVE this movie if Bruce Willis did a baby voice for Mikey actually speaking. That would be amazing.
  8. 2 points
    How long does everyone think the original cut of this movie was? Since the movie goes all over the place with no real connective tissue between scenes, I can't tell if they just had a barebones script or had a huge list of ideas and only left in what they consider the "best" parts. It was a rushed production so maybe they didn't have a full script and figured we can fill it out with funny baby voiceover and we have great actors. On the other hand, the movie takes place over at least a year and nine months and they cut out tons of stuff that wasn't working (which is all the movie but you know what I'm saying). I imagine the producers saying "There's only 60 minutes here. We need another 20 minimum to release this" or "This monstrosity is over two hours and nothing is funny. Cut it down to 80 minutes and we can fit in an extra showing a day to make money." I can honestly see either scenario. That would potentially explain why this seems like a series of vignettes instead of an actual movie. Or why characters come and go for no discernible reason. Or why Mel Brooks is the voice of the toilet for one scene. For example, the first scene with Kirstie Alley and her accountant friend, it's introduced with two women getting keys from someone on a fire escape who walk by Kirstie Alley eating then are never seen again. Who were these women?
  9. 2 points
    The wednesday eps were good (pro version, master etc.) this week
  10. 2 points
    Speaking of (somewhat) inappropriate baby outfits I used to own an obscene number of baby sized bikinis including one string bikini with two strawberries for a top. There's also a vhs of me and one of my mom's best friend's babies dressed as cheerleaders complete with headbands with hair sewn on them in pigtails. But my best baby stories involves the facts that apparently I used to enjoy riding the vacuum cleaner and locking myself in my grandparents dog's cage to chill. I have photos of all of these somewhere.
  11. 1 point
    I wish I could tell you. I've always been the kind of person who just leaves people do to as they wish with their lives. But one of the biggest things that winds me up more than anything are kids being dressed like adults, especially girls, because I always think that's way worse, because I know what some people are like. It just makes me want to grab the parents by the scruff of the neck and berate them in public and just say "What the fuck doing you think you're doing with this kid?!"
  12. 1 point
    IIRC, Travolta used Kirstie's address so that he could place his ailing grandfather in a nice nursing home. He kept popping up at her apartment in case the nursing home sent mail to that address, and this is where my memory becomes fuzzy, but one day Travolta filled in for a babysitter who cancelled at the last minute and the rest was history.
  13. 1 point
    Yea the apartment in the first two movies actually looks like a legit, lived in apartment from people with kids. The third one they're living in a massive brownstone that theres not a chance in hell they could afford.
  14. 1 point
    So i've watched all the movies in this series multiple times. I think I can pretty comfortably say that this one is the fucking worst. It's boring and a little depressing that the couple we watched fall in love in the previous movie are almost immediately at odds with one another in this. And Roseanne's voice acting is just grating. Elias Koteas is also a really strange casting choice for this movie as well. He just brings a super weird energy to the role. Like if his story arc had ended up with him being the robber, it wouldnt have surprised me at all. The third while being garbage does have some weird but funny moments. The fact that Julie walks around with a Charles Barkely doll the entirety of the third movie always stood out as being hilarious, especially when they reveal later that she likes basketball players because she thinks they can fly. I also liked that in the third one, Travolta's character never for a moment entertained the notion of cheating on Kirstie Alley with his boss. The confusion and embarrassment he has for his boss when she reveals her feelings for him was always fucking hilarious to me. Also this came out somewhere around the same time as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so when I saw this movie as a kid I actually thought that Casey Jones was also in this movie when Elias Koteas showed up. Am I crazy or did they not talk about Gilbert Gottfried's wildly inappropriate cameo as a daycare operator. I think he tells a toddler he'll smack them if they dont start dancing with John Travolta. Speaking of, I know its in Travolta's contract that he has to have a moment where he dances, but this one in particular feels incredibly tacked on.
  15. 1 point
    When June mentioned that "no penis" might be a problematic way of describing women, she neglected to connect that to the moment when in-utero Julie discovers herself and says, "two eyes, two ears ... two mouths?!" Also, since the father decides whether the child is male or female, at least half of John Travolta's sperm should have sounded like Rosanne. Also also, those sperm not only got through the diaphragm, but James was on top of the covers and they were both clothed when they started fucking. I'd kind of like to thing those little gamete guys and gals overcame some serious adversity.
  16. 1 point
    This game me such a vivid flashback to seeing this movie that I would never have remembered otherwise. Doesn't John Travolta look at the woman's breasts then cut to Mikey saying "Lunch!"? Also, I saw all these movies as a kid but and also watched the very obvious rip off television show Baby Talk with a kid named Mickey (legally not Mikey).
  17. 1 point
    I believe you are 100% remembering the first movie right. Now I also haven't seen any of these movies in a long time, but I believe I remember Travolta taking flying lessons in the first movie. He brings Mikey along to one and they have a "moment" over some woman's big boobs (gross) and then he takes the baby on his flying lesson. He takes a child who is not his on a flying lesson without telling the mother beforehand. I think there's also potential Travolta cheating bullshit in the third movie when the family gets dogs at Christmas. These movies are just terrible.
  18. 1 point
    You’re a Master of Evil, ChunkStyle...
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    My friend Robert played Mikey's double in this movie. Should I call 1-800-PAUL-ASS?
  21. 1 point
    Please everyone, stop talking about Jordan and humdingers, this is exactly the trouble we need to avoid to keep earwolf hiring non white men.
  22. 1 point
    I remember seeing these movies as a kid and all I could really remember was being deeply upset by the opening of John Travolta and Kirstie Ally fucking/ the sperm and the egg. I still hate it.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 0 points
    I saw one that had the words "Future Porn Star" written across the front.
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