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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I think I missed a significant plot point, so if someone could explain, that would be great. The bad guys' plan was to steal The Rock's iPad on the ferry, right? But then later, they needed The Rock's face to unlock the iPad. So if the theft on the ferry was a success, how were they planning to unlock the iPad?
  2. 2 points
    He no longer has use of his hands. They are just burnt off stumps. He full on is nothing but a 4th degree burn from touching that molten steel. 4th degree burns go down to muscle and bones. If the woman who was horrifically maimed by McDonald's coffee got 3rd degree burns his hands should be like ash. They should have died not just from the intense heat and heat shock but also from smoke inhalation which kills 50- 80% of people in a fire. Your breathing in burning hot air and gasses which fries your lungs and can send you into cardiac arrest, carbon monoxide and a bunch of other shit like cyanide. Also being called "The Neil Degrasse Tyson of Pandas" just made my week. I might need to get business cards....
  3. 1 point
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLZfg23SeV8 Pierce Brosnan Magic.
  4. 1 point
    Most of the issues I had have already been addressed here by other users, but I do have a few addendum questions that I wanted to add: After the incident at Pablo Schreiber’s place, the Rock flees and almost immediately the media is covering the β€œmanhunt”. But why? The tallest building in the world is on fire - the media would not cut into their coverage of the fire to discuss (what the police believe to be) a simple robbery. The film mentions several times that the fire is making it too hot for helicopters to be flying by the building, so where are the cameras that are shooting all of the footage of the Rock that the people are watching on the big screens?
  5. 1 point
    Interesting that the main villain (Botha?) didn't come up at all in the discussion - and that’s one of the reasons why this film is so bad. For a great action thriller you need a great villain to match off against the hero - even a lot of the β€œDie Hard in a….” knock-offs have decent bad guys (Powers Boothe in β€œSudden Impact”, Tommy Lee Jones in β€œUnder Siege”. This villain is just blah, no personality, no quips - even his death is poorly handled. Another point that didn’t come up in the discussion, possibly because the answer is too horrible to contemplate: amidst all the carnage - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PANDAS?
  6. 1 point
    Hmm... what if the iPad was a bit of a mcguffin? Maybe their plan was the turn everything off at the remote site and then destroy the computers there so the only why to turn things off would be on the iPad which is useless without Rock's face thus insuring that the building would burn.
  7. 1 point
    Okay maybe I'm reading too much into this but I'm pretty sure this was an elaborate revenge plot on the part of Pablo Schreiber. Somehow he gets a job as... wait was his job? Assistant? Building manager? Head of security? Whatever. He works for rich Hong Kong man and his new giant building. Somewhere along the way he was approached by the triads and the people that needed the data from Hong Kong business man. The plan centered around getting the iPad and having a random person take the fall for the building being on fire. That's when he thought about getting back at the Rock for leaving him scarred. Think about it, the moment the building went up Rock was immediately on the news as the bad guy who did it. He was being set up to take the fall from the start. Pablo Schreiber wanted Rock's life ruined but didn't want to hurt his family thus the night pandas. He used his position to guarantee Rock was the only person applying for the job and he told him what he'd need to do for the interview. He arranged for everything to be the way it was to get that tablet into Rock's hands so they could steal it and blame it all on him and ruin his life like the Rock ruined his.
  8. 1 point
    The entire time he is holding that bridge to save their kids, everyone on screen should be broiled chicken. I can't sit too close to campfire even if it's cold out ... I can't imagine how hot all that burning steel would be. You're like Neil Degrasse Tyson for pandas.
  9. 1 point
    Those are cheerios and it won't torch your tongue or anything, but it is spicy. Also - There are nuts, anyone who can't have nuts let me know.
  10. 1 point
    So I was skeptical about the nighttime panda feeding and thought maybe the movie meant red pandas which are nocturnal and crepuscular (and the cutest things on this planet) but I wanted to do some research. It turns out that the movie might be correct! I don't think the Hong Kong zoo has a nighttime feeding . I don't even think they have pandas. I know there's a sort of panda theme park but I don't think it has anything to do with the actual zoo. Regardless according to this article( http://thewildlife.wbur.org/2015/08/07/pandas-dont-play-by-the-rules/ ) about research done by scientists from MSU (always nice to read something that isn't about horrific scandals for a change. ) pandas have three peak times of activity: Morning, Afternoon, and Midnight. " In a statement from MSU, research associate Jindong Zhang said, β€œWe cannot simply say the panda is a crepuscular creature. Giant pandas show complex activity patterns that are closely related to food quality and water availability,” Zhang said. β€œThey need to eat food more frequently, such as at midnight, since the nutrition quality of bamboo is low. The study of the activity patterns of pandas opens a door to discovering the unique adaptations of pandas to their environment.” " So there you have it. My insane brain is FINE with people running around a burning building willy nilly, cutting steel cables with an ax, and jumping off a fucking crane but nighttime panda feeding , that shit needs to be fact checked!
  11. 1 point
    I want a hilarious comedy about a thief accidentally stealing a fancy Business Lady vibrator instead of the high tech McGuffin they were hired to get now
  12. 1 point
    You've got 7 more films to rank! The method I used requires a value for each of the 25 films (since it's essentially just computing the Euclidean distance in a 25-dimensional vector space), but I could get numbers by plugging in 19 for each of the missing films. But that wouldn't be very consistent with the rest of the scores.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Tony Evers's defeat of Scott Walker in WI was huge! WI doesn't particularly like 3-term governors, but Dems have a real problem finding candidates with any form of charisma. I really wasn't expecting Evers to win, so that was a nice surprise. Also, hooray for Amendment 4 in Florida (the rest though...)
  15. 1 point
    A full list means I can compute more similarity scores! Your list's similarity to, from more similar to least similar: Cam Bert - 836 Amy - 870 sycasey - 958 Paul - 990 Cameron H. - 1300 me - 1672 AlmostAGhost - 1964 I think you're the first list I've seen that's closer to Amy's than to Paul's!
  16. 1 point
    Here's my updated list, though some of it is pure enjoyment over spectacle and technical achievement. I'd still move things around based on my mood. Citizen Kane Wizard of Oz All About Eve Singin' in the Rain Double Indemnity Psycho 2001: A Space Odyssey Bonnie and Clyde The French Connection Taxi Driver E. T. The General Raiders of the Lost Ark High Noon The African Queen King Kong Titanic Apocalypse Now Lord of the Rings Shawshank Redemption Platoon Swing Time Duck Soup Ben-Hur Sixth Sense
  17. 1 point
    I'll admit that real life shit kicked me in the butt and totally pushed back a lot of movie viewings I've been meaning to do. Also, I'm still obsessed with Haunting of Hill House so if I ever get a chance to sit and watch something I take the opportunity to rewatch that. But with all that said here's my very small list. All About Eve β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… Singin In The Rain β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… Titanic β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ Psycho β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ The Sixth Sense β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ Wizard of Oz β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ Raiders of the Lost Ark β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 2001: A Space Odyssey β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… Taxi Driver β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… Bonnie & Clyde β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… LotR: TFotR β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ E.T. β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ The Shawshank Redemption β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ The General β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ The French Connection β˜…β˜…β˜…
  18. 1 point
    For people who are buying these movies on iTunes (like me), Bridge on the River Kwai is currently on sale for 4.99. Its regular price is 17.99. So, if you’re interested, I’d jump on that now
  19. 1 point
    One thing Paul said during the episode, (something along the lines of) "ranking these movies makes me feel like/appreciate the AFI doing this more." Which is kind of funny, because that's one thing the members of the AFI didn't technically sit down and think about (outside of their top 5 tie breakers). Because members just submitted a ballot of their top 100 movies, unweighted (outside of their top 5, which were also unweighted within). /broken record Though, trying to do a top 25 list like that with two hosts would be quite non-sensical Though since everyone else is doing it though. (I rarely do star ratings because I discovered in the early Netflix years that my ratings have a margin of error of +/-1 on a 4-5 point scale. So a "2" start movie might be rated a "3" and a "4" star movie on a given day might be rated a "3", and that happened enough, I just kind of stopped except for movies I really, really liked. So, instead, breaking them out into tiers All time favorites 1. 2001 2. Citizen Kane 3. Apocalypse Now -------------------- Really, Really Enjoyed to Loved, depending on my mood 4. Taxi Driver 5. All About Eve -------------------- Really enjoyed, good movies, but don't come to mind as "all time greats" 6. Psycho 7. Double Indemnity -------------------- I'd watch again/enjoyed 8. Bonnie & Clyde (really need to rewatch/haven't seen in forever, but looking at everything else, it would probably end up around here) 9. Duck Soup 10. Singin' in the Rain 11. High Noon (probably here more from having seen it only once) 12. The General -------------------- Wouldn't seek them out, but could rewatch them if needed to, for, say a podcast and its discussion (or if, stuck with family and they really wanted to watch them). 13. Shawshank Redemption 14. King Kong 15. Lord of the Rings ------------------- Eh, I'd be fine if I never saw any of these movies again. 16. Platoon 17. African Queen 18. The Sixth Sense 19. Raiders of the Lost Ark 20. ET ------------------ Haven't seen :: Want to see The French Connection Wizard of Oz :: Might watch just for general film history knowledge Swing Time :: Might watch just for general film history knowledge, but probably not Ben-Hur :: Don't think I'll be watching Titanic
  20. 1 point
    Save a horse, ride a blue wave
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
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