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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I have to admit I'm not gonna be able to participate in this discussion next week either but that's because on Saturday I'm jetting off to London for a photography adventure!
  2. 4 points
    I would really like that! I think maybe a non musical theme per month or something would be neat. I know and there are some iconic movie soundtracks that go with non musical movies. I think @taylorannephoto mentioned that when we talked about it in a mini episode. So I would really like to explore that too . How music plays a part in film. In this week's episode of I Hate It But I Love It (another great podcast) they talked about Practical Magic which is a personal favorite. They mentioned something I had never noticed until then but the music choices are either full on literal with Faith Hill's This Kiss playing when Sally kisses her soon to be husband or just off for the scene like in the exorcism where they thought it should have been more dramatic and scary. I would never have noticed because I've been watching it since I was a kid and I fully admit I have rose colored glasses when it comes to this film but they brought up great points! So that's something I wonder about other movies. LIke I know that Home Alone had an AMAZING score and just... The music adds depth to they film you know? So now I wonder if bad movie music is a new trope to look for (Usually if I hear that sexy 80's jazz sax I worry) or if good music means that your in good hands?
  3. 3 points
    Am I the only one who was uncomfortable watching this given the abuse allegations against Sean Penn and how he supposedly beat Madonna? I've been trying really hard make an effort not to buy media that has abusive/predatory people (men or women) in them this year and I only watched it because it was free on YouTube. So maybe I'm the only one who will have an issue with it because I'm trying to be more conscientious about who I support with my money but I wanted to ask if I was alone in feeling a bit uncomfortable.
  4. 3 points
    Oh my god have so much fun !!! As a giant nerd London is the Dream. I hope that you get to live out whatever your most likely much cooler fantasy is in your time off! ( trying to get a signed copy of any book by Lucy Worsley the head curator of the Historic Palaces while at Hampton Court if you must know is mine). Take some pictures for us if you can! Also I am so in love with the Clash and now am just listening to them on a loop so thanks for that! ... Ironically I might currently be wearing my Death or Glory shirt
  5. 2 points
    I'm find with that. I really loved Passing Strange we did not so long ago and that was a filmed Broadway show. Only thing I will add is I might (I'll speak for all non-US people) have a hard time getting some of them. If it's on YouTube or Vimeo or something like that, but streaming here isn't always the same.
  6. 2 points
    Also would you guys be ok with maybe watching full on Broadway shows? I know some of them have done cast recordings because I've seen a few on PBS. If I can find ones like that that are short maybe we can enjoy the theater and feel cultured!
  7. 2 points
    I have actually seen this!! It's been years because I rented it from Blockbuster
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point
    Please make your plug themes DOWNLOADABLE on Soundcloud. This makes prepping for us much easier, and will increase your chance of getting on the show! Thanks!
  11. 1 point
    I was curious about Sean Penn's neon-colored wardrobe and wanted to make sure this was actually a historical anomaly for the time presented or if maybe I just wasn't aware of neon clothing in the 1930s. https://thekit.ca/style/clothing/history-of-neon-clothing/ From what I can find, it looks like while neon SIGNS were in existence at the time, there's no evidence that neon or fluorescent colored clothing ever existed before the 1960s at the earliest, and of course it was not widely popular until the 80s.
  12. 1 point
    I want “Turn off the birds” to be a t shirt.
  13. 1 point
    I want to log in to say I LOVE MADONNA ...and none of this is her fault.
  14. 1 point
    sdfagdjip too poor this time boooo! All the good stuff goes to Austin...
  15. 1 point
    whoa. oderus urungus / gwar sync from my weird letter to kevin. and some other sync i can’t remember.
  16. 1 point
    Did anyone else notice this strange artwork that looks exactly like Link from the Legend of Zelda? And that it says "Mercy for the brave boys"? Weird...
  17. 1 point
    Hey guys! Sorry I've been so MIA lately and didn't even participate in my last pick lol. Work has been a bit hectic, but I'll try to pop in when I can. If you're making a new sign up list then maybe don't have me on there, until I'm able to participate more and then I'll ask to be added in the rotation. I do miss you guys! Sorry I suck, lol.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Other non-musical movies would be welcome, but I do like having some sort of 'limits' on it, so it's not just 'here's a movie'. Cam Bert's idea of doing a round of different genres might be interesting.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Sara nooo! If anyone started the derailing it was me over Christmas cause I think we've all been trying to get back on track since then lol.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Dude, Paul...Katherine Hepburn...not Lauren Bacall. C'mon, man.
  24. 1 point
    A website I used to frequent used to use Amazon reviews to advertise products. This movie had one of the more amazing ones (only showing the bit used in the ad):
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