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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    This made me giggle in both of her scenes. The last time we saw her she was in a fairly decorated room. It's an interesting choice to have that and never talk about it.
  3. 1 point
    TOM SCHARPLING returns for another attempt to become the third host with guest WILL HINES.
  4. 1 point
    How has this movie not been suggested yet? For your consideration, a Howard Hughes produced film about one of the greatest empires ever, starring no of any relation to said empire. If you're wondering if this was filmed down wind of a nuclear test site that gave dozens of people cancer, it was. Hughes felt guilty about this and bought the rights of the film and the film was not released until after his death when Universal purchased the rights.
  5. 1 point
    I assume everyone has seen the article that made the rounds last month revealing that this guy is Robert Redford?
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Have we talked about how there's going to be an all female Fast and Furious apparently?!??!?!??? https://www.themarysue.com/all-female-fast-and-furious/
  8. 1 point
    YES!! THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED! I'm so happy you're back! I've missed This Week In Feminism ( and you of course!). I fully agree about the lack of women with true power and agency in these films. It's a strange version of the Smurfette Principal. From what little I've observed of the movies it seems like yes there's more than one woman with a decent role in the groups but they tend to either be romantically linked with a man in the group they belong to or want to be ( be that The Family,the various Bad Guys team, the FBI, etc) they are related to someone ( Mia, Samantha Hobbs, Hattie and her mother, I guess wives might count?), Or they are villains to take down. Which great give me complex women! But I don't feel like they do that very well. I will be honest and admit I haven't seen them all and I'm not a huge fan of them but it always seemed like every woman i on screen was either in love with a guy, his sister or mom, or trying to kill him and even then they seem to want to fuck them.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    We see the virus capsules have entered her bloodstream, so they would have quickly circulated around her entire body, not remained in her hand. This is as good a place as any to break down just how ridiculous the virus-extraction machine is in terms of a fake piece of biotechnology. Nicole's Theranos joke was one of the best lines of the episode, but at least Holmes' bullshit was in the general vicinity of scientific plausibility. This machine, however, is so straight-up magical that Cliff Curtis fixing it with a 3D printer is one of the more realistic aspects of the movie. Putting aside how the virus is actually designed to work, let's focus on how it's delivered and that it's designed to be extracted if necessary. The virus appears to be encapsulated in engineered particles that are roughly the size of red blood cells. These particles are designed to naturally degrade in 72 hours, releasing the virus into the bloodstream. Let's also assume that these particles have been engineered to flawlessly hide from the immune system for that long, and aren't getting caught in any of the body's physical filtration systems, like the kidneys or spleen. All of this is impossible to do with the level of precision necessary to prevent the carrier from being pretty much immediately infected, but the real challenge is getting every last one of those particles out of the carrier's body before your Domino's order is delivered. The zoom-in shots we see of the particles being sucked up implies that a sharp metal tube knows the difference between them and the surrounding blood cells, but since that's the equivalent of "a wizard did it," let's walk through what it would need to do if it was working like a super-fast dialysis machine. Once Hattie's blood is inside the machine, it needs to be able to identify and capture the Eteon particles while leaving the red blood cells (and the various other healthy blood components) alone. The options are basically either a physical filter, which would be need to be tuned to the particles' exact weight, diameter, etc., or a chemical sensor, like antibodies, custom DNA strands or complex molecules that bind to biomarkers found only on the particles' exteriors. These are more-or-less in line with the kind of multi-purpose blood diagnostics machines Elizabeth Holmes was trying to build with Theranos. The problem she ran into is that all of these technologies are so delicate — dealing with physical properties that are right on the edge of single-molecule detection — that they can't be reliably used to tell whether you have high cholesterol, much less prevent you from contracting Genocitus-Shmenocitus. And that's assuming you know exactly what physical properties you're looking for on these 5-micron-wide particles. So unless Cliff has a scanning electron microscope in the back of his remote Samoan chop-shop, plus a fully equipped wet-lab for making new reagents, plus a forced-air-sterilized clean room for doing the nanoscale fabrication necessary for actually getting the particles back into the vial, everyone is shit out of luck. All of this leads me to believe the only thing that could be broken on the machine is the screen and the injection microfluidics — two things Cliff would absolutely be able to fix due to their similarity to the nitrous systems on his cars.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I work in the public school system, so it would be frowned upon, to say the least. Also, as a public servant, while I am not overly conservative on how I spend my money (I did see Hobbs & Shaw in 4DX, after all, which cost almost $25), I just don’t want to use my hard-earned money to support Fateful Findings, which I never would have watched ever, if HDTGM wasn’t coming to Seattle (which, again, I am very excited about). My love of bad movies has limits. i also don’t want to get into the ethical debate of Pornhub because that’s just a massively complex issue, as theworstbuddhist pointed out in his previous post. I will say though, as a Seattle native who has friends who work at Amazon (and as someone who realizes that cities are meant to change)...fuck Amazon and fuck Jeff Bezos for what he’s done to this city. Do I think change is bad? No. Do I think people who work for Amazon are bad? Of course not. Do I think Amazon’s change is bad for Seattle? Yes. Congrats to New York for keeping them out. Sorry for my soapbox rant. Have a good day, all!
  13. 1 point
    If the only place to realistically get the movie without spending $25 is going to pornhub, that's a really disappointing thing for the show to do to the audience. Even if the movie isn't porn, making the audience go to a porn site (understanding we don't need to watch the movie but ideally it's an option) to see it is definitely not cool. A lot of people don't want to see the adds on the side or support an industry that treats women as badly as the porn industry does. The show has posted links to stream the very hard to find movies like Rad or A Night In Heaven. Hopefully they will do that as it gets closer to the show date.
  14. 1 point
    Okay, two things: 1. Are we not going to talk about Helen Mirren's full hair, makeup, and jewelry? Is she getting the Al Capone treatment in there? 2. We've established that Hattie injected the virus in capsules into her hand. The capsules will dissolve after the longest 72 hours ever and then.. end of humanity. When they plan what to do if they can't extract the virus in time, why does she have to die and burn her body? Why not just amputate her hand?! Is that a fate worse than death? Why is this not an option?
  15. 1 point
    Just read on Twitter that they’re working on uploading it to Vimeo, and will be sharing the link to it soon!
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    The Boys give JACKIE JOHNSON from the podcast Natch Beaut a makeover challenge.
  19. 1 point
    Maybe I missed something (probably), but I never felt like the love plot in The Maltese Falcon was ever meant to be sincere. I just figured that they were just using each other to get what they wanted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. 1 point
    I made this because I'm stupid.
  21. 1 point
    And Adonis says as much in the film. I think that's right. Honestly, most of Amy's criticisms of Creed are pretty baffling to me.
  22. 1 point
    I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I just wanted to add in my two cents concerning this film and the franchise. My love for Rocky as a character and in the films themselves is nearly boundless, warts and all. There are flaws in all the entries in the series but I am able to enjoy them all to differing degrees (V being the big exception), and they all have my whole heart. That's part of why I waited so long to post here, as I did not want to be too vociferous in my response. I could go on, so I will focus specifically on something Amy said about Creed that I profoundly disagree with. When Rocky gets cancer in that film, I believe it would have been the weaker choice, for both the film and the character, if he would have forgone treatment, if he had given up, and died. It might have provided some narrative symmetry with Mickey dying, but Rocky giving up is anathema to the spirit of the character and the themes in this film and the original. Sure, Rocky almost always needs help to stay the course, but he always comes through in the end. It is the same with Adonis. They both need each other to make the more difficult, the stronger choice. They have to find the strength to not only fight for each other, but to discover (or rediscover) the self-worth to be able to fight for themselves. Rocky needed to learn how to value himself again, that his life mattered (so he could train Adonis, sure, but also so he can live). Just because he's no longer the titular character doesn't mean his story is now worthless. Adonis loves him, and sacrificing himself because his own fight would be a distraction would be a betrayal of that love, not supportive of it.
  23. 1 point
    Well said. Maybe I'm biased because I've done a lot of reading on the Khans and saw the Mongol film, but this $hit stinks. It stinks bad.
  24. 1 point
    This was made in the 1950's, but considering that there were some decent movies out before 1960, this is still hot garbage. Oh, and people got sick from radiation poisoning because it was filmed by a nuclear testing site. https://en.wikipedia...onqueror_(film) John Wayne as Genghis Khan. That's bad. He "won" a Golden Turkey award for his attempt. It made a book listing the 50 worst films of all time, though that book came out in 1978 and missed out on some real gems. "The film is listed in Golden Raspberry Award founder John Wilson's book The Official Razzie Movie Guide as one of the The 100 Most Enjoyably Bad Movies Ever Made." Trailer:
  25. 1 point
    One of the all time legendary Hollywood disasters. A modern skewering by talented comedians would be worthwhile.
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