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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/19 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    100% agree. There's only one live-action character on the "positive portrayals" list in the (seemingly comprehensive) Wikipedia page "Albinism in popular culture" and it's from a fan-made short film parody of The Da Vinci Code.
  2. 5 points
    It is very sad that the only two positive representations of Albinism that we can all think of is an animated man and a CGI gorilla.
  3. 3 points
    I thought the same thing when the weird lady at the beginning mentioned Street Smarts! The men in this movie are tricky people. Actually, I really don't like the phrase "tricky people" also. It's weirdly giving them more credit (they are dumb gross-os) while condescending to the kids.
  4. 3 points
    I remember when the actual movie came out and some tv show like Inside Edition did a piece on how it was hurtful and negatively affecting the albino community.
  5. 2 points
    I worked with an actor a few years ago who had albinism. He was in school to become an actor and really hated that roles for people with albinism in films were basically reduced to evil or magical. Sometimes both. It kind of bummed me out when we saw the albino stalker. It's truly a very underrepresented group. I'm was trying to think of any tv/film character with Albinism that isn't one of those stereotypes... and all I could recognize was Pete White from The Venture Bros.
  6. 1 point
    Yello Dyno is definitely taking those kids to a secondary location.
  7. 1 point
    People of Earth, I present to you for your consideration.... The Jewel of the Nile!!!! The year was 1985, and after the success of "Romancing the Stone" who could have guessed how far off the mark this star studded picture could hit. Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito all reprise their roles from the original in this terrible movie about an author who gets suckered into writing lies for an evil middle eastern Sheik/Dictator who has "stolen" the Jewel of the Nile from his people. Can these white people save the day for the apparently inept middle easterners? Of course, because 80's racism. Are there elaborate traps that seem to be put there as reference to something the audience has no prior knowledge of? Yup. Do these traps involve Rats? Oh Yeah! And Acid? You know they do!!! But wait I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's let Danny Devito tell us about the picture... Wait, did he just brake the fourth way? You're god damn right he did. Oh and did I tell you that the whole thing culminates at what appears to be the scene from Apples 1984 commercial but set in the desert? Well now I have. You Can't Unknow That! It's 107 mins of all out bonkers! Nothing makes sense and I don't care. Hang on hang on, who directed this piece of - Lewis Teague! The Director of "Navy Seals"? The SAME! Do I have any reason NOT to watch this movie? Only if you hate America and Fun. What if I chose not to watch this movie? God will send someone to sit behind you at every movie talking on their phone. You're at home? TOO BAD! Random strangers will now loudly talk on their phones behind you. That sounds like hell. Then Shut Up and Watch Dumb Dumb!
  8. 1 point
    This needs a pod. They must have HURTLED into production of a sequel. Lewis Teague shows everyone what a good job Zemeckis did on the first one by doing an absolutely appalling job of this film. The music is like something from a low end 1980s arcade game. The special effects are dreadful. And apparently Sufi Muslims are magic druids?
  9. 1 point
    The thing is that they are really only watching the BEST movies from the old days (or at least those widely considered the best). There was plenty of forgettable crap in the 50s, 60s, 70s too, it's just that . . . it's been forgotten.
  10. 1 point
    Spoiler alert for Rampage (which is inevitably going to be on HDTGM, c'mon), but George the Albino Gorilla ends up saving the day.
  11. 1 point
    A four hour PSA on the importance of motorcycle safety.
  12. 1 point
    9/5 Lawrence of Arabia 9/12 On The Waterfront 9/19 North By Northwest 9/26 Spartacus 10/3 Some Like It Hot 10/10 American Graffiti Looks like we're in for a really entertaining fall to me
  13. 1 point
    Welcome! Rent was my first pick and they’ve gone down from there. At least I can take comfort in my next pick having good music. (If no one picks it ahead of me of course.)
  14. 1 point
    I do not trust this dinosaur. I fully think it's on drugs. I suspect he might be a Tricky Person. That said I haven't even started the actual "film " and I am already deeply uncomfortable Ok I've watched it and Wow. Did that pedophile threaten to murder a child? Also how positive are we that the dinosaur isn't grooming them for something? Speaking of his eyes! His black dead pit of hell eyes. He should never be allowed to take off the sunglasses
  15. 1 point
    Hi all, I’ll try to keep this short. I just wanted to say that I’ve seen a lot of websites where people treat each other HORRIBLY in the comments section (most recently today, in the A.V. Club and Buzzfeed). I’ve only been posting on here since the beginning of summer, which is not very long, but I’ve never been treated that way. Just wanted to say thanks—to all the people who created this site and to all the people who use it—for keeping it a positive, friendly place. I’m legitimately grateful for that.
  16. 1 point
    One more memory about Network. A few years back, I was a teacher-coach for the high school Speech team. I was coaching a student in his Dramatic Monologue, and after pointing him to several sources, he selected Howard Beale from Network. He did a pretty good job of it, too, if I can humbly say, and on the day of the Speech contest, he delivered a rousing speech on the theatre stage. Perhaps he channeled a little bit too much from Beale's frustrated rage, as in a pique of unrehearsed passion, he flung the stool he had used across the stage. Luckily, it wasn't into the audience at all, but unluckily, it chipped the wall of the host school's newly refurbished theater. He got a silver award for the speech and a request for a public apology to the host school's Drama class. He accepted both, but we will always wonder if it was supposed to be a gold.
  17. 1 point
    At one point Johann says the the problem with June's teeth is that she has 'fluorosis' which I had never heard before, but after doing some research is an actual malady. And June and Jason's point about June being the victim of neglect as a child seems to have merit based on what WebMD says about fluorosis. Fluorosis is described as "a cosmetic condition that affects the teeth. It’s caused by overexposure to fluoride during the first eight years of life. Fluorosis first attracted attention in the early 20th Century. Researchers were surprised by the high prevalence of what was called “Colorado Brown Stain” on the teeth of native-born residents of Colorado Springs. The stains were caused by high levels of fluoride in the local water supply. Although fluorosis is not a disease, its effects can be psychologically distressing and difficult to treat. Parental vigilance can play an important role in preventing fluorosis. A major cause of fluorosis is the inappropriate use of fluoride-containing dental products such as toothpaste and mouth rinses. Sometimes, children enjoy the taste of fluoridated toothpaste so much that they swallow it instead of spitting it out. But there are other causes of fluorosis. For example, taking a higher-than-prescribed amount of a fluoride supplement during early childhood can cause it. So can taking a fluoride supplement when fluoridated drinking water or fluoride-fortified fruit juices and soft drinks already provide the right amount." WebMD also states that only 1% of all cases of fluorosis are considered severe, which is what June's case would be described as. To have such a severe case, my guess is that June's parents were giving her fluoride supplements with the same regularity that Arno's mom gives him holiday snacks.
  18. 1 point
    Maybe it was a little long, but I LOVED this week’s song. Sheer brilliance of parody and great singing as well. I also really like how it captured how many of the reviews seem to think that everyone who didn’t like it is some kind of “hater” or troll who is making themselves miss out on how “great” the movie is. I kept talking about how great it was after we heard it until my gf finally told me I should probably focus on driving over dark, winding roads instead of going on about it. I rather enjoyed the Second Opinions songs at the show I went to, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to put a time limit on them.
  19. 1 point
    I hadn't watched this since circa 2000, which made me pause and think about how different the media landscape felt back then. A reflection on the consequence of the consolidation of news outlets and the overt commercialization of news* that probably favored my re-viewing of the movie. Well, commercialization, unless the message is to push a worldview, favorable by the corporate owner's. Not that TV news was necessarily an august institution that wasn't already subscribed to the philosophy of "if it bleeds, it leads." And it isn't like print news didn't have its yellow journalism era going even further back. But man...
  20. 1 point
    Just for the sake of them breaking down this part of the movie...
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