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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    i think she was most def high during HH... take it from someone who knows. and p.s. the POPCORN GALLERY IS ON BITCHES!
  2. 2 points
    Please don't misunderstand, any negativity in my previous post was solely directed at the human paraquat that was the guest. I am more than sure that this is just another case of a person getting booked that has no idea what they are getting into and thinks being a shut-down artist is the cool and good thing to do. I love Andy Richter and he definitely gets the kind of thing this show does where I don't think Conan gets anything that isn't Conan anymore. He's just way into his own stuff and I feel like if you gotta book an assistant, Andy's would be better. If he had one. As far as my joke, I can't say that I actively pilfered it from anywhere, but I hear a lot of similarly styled quips
  3. 1 point
    The Boys have SONA MOVSESIAN on the show to learn how to trick Conan.
  4. 1 point
    This straight-to-VHS ripoff of Home Alone involving a boy fending off three inept crooks with his remote control toys including this bizarre German doll with a Hitler mustache seems perfect for the HDTGM crew.
  5. 1 point
    When I was a child I spoke as child, but when I became a man, I came all over the elephant mans bones.
  6. 1 point
    Honestly, it's this aspect of Hilton's persona that got me thinking about the Munchausen angle. I think most people would have considered her a villain in real life at the time this came out, and so part of me wondered if the movie was building to a big reveal of some ulterior motive behind her character's relationship with June. As professional wrestling connoisseur, especially as it informed modern reality television (and now politics), I thought that she was at least leaning into her intrinsic heel-ishness and might be on board with that curveball. Paris Hilton, the human, epitomized the toxic beauty standards of that era. I don't think it's exaggerating to say that thousands, if not millions, of women and girls were made to feel like the Nottie to her Hottie. That this movie unironically embraced that dynamic is just further evidence that every person involved should be in jail.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    ^ (So, I can't click like on that comment because it is un-sweetie-like to say anything negative about HH, but if "sides hurt / not in a good way" was an original joke then kudos to you. That was a good'n.) Edit: I bet Andy Richter is like a big soft pillow and if we were in a room with adequate air conditioning I'd like to give him a hug.
  9. 1 point
    Yello Dyno is definitely taking those kids to a secondary location.
  10. 1 point
    My sides hurt listening to this episode. Not in a good way. A bad way. Maybe Andy Richter has an assistant you could talk to that would be better?
  11. 1 point
    I worked with an actor a few years ago who had albinism. He was in school to become an actor and really hated that roles for people with albinism in films were basically reduced to evil or magical. Sometimes both. It kind of bummed me out when we saw the albino stalker. It's truly a very underrepresented group. I'm was trying to think of any tv/film character with Albinism that isn't one of those stereotypes... and all I could recognize was Pete White from The Venture Bros.
  12. 1 point
    Now legit wondering why "Wilford Brimley charging out of fire on horseback" isn't every meme on the Internet; because honestly it's got about a million uses.
  13. 1 point
    Sona went on record saying some pretty problematic stuff. What room?!
  14. 1 point
    I do not trust this dinosaur. I fully think it's on drugs. I suspect he might be a Tricky Person. That said I haven't even started the actual "film " and I am already deeply uncomfortable Ok I've watched it and Wow. Did that pedophile threaten to murder a child? Also how positive are we that the dinosaur isn't grooming them for something? Speaking of his eyes! His black dead pit of hell eyes. He should never be allowed to take off the sunglasses
  15. 1 point
    I think we need to consider the possibility that Cristabel and June's relationship was a Munchausen by Proxy scenario. The off-the-charts levels of misogyny in the movie makes assessing this more difficult. We don't wan't to pathologize June's appearance, which is one of the reasons Cristabel comes off as a (surprisingly) good and supportive friend. She doesn't judge June or think that she needs to change her physical self to be happy or find love. The movie takes on a different tone, however, if June wants to change her appearance but can't for some reason. It's also not as if the movie's moral is that having self-love and confidence is more important than being "conventionally" attractive — June is otherwise smart, funny and self-possessed, but only gets her wants and needs met after a total physical makeover. The fact that she says she tried to overhaul her look in the past but had since given up makes me think that she was being secretly undermined by Cristabel. Our first impression of young June is that she was perhaps the victim of neglect or abuse; June's fluorosis is some evidence to that effect. I think this neglect and abuse was perpetrated by Cristabel for decades as an extension of her own narcissism. Munchausen by Proxy, now known as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, is when "a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick." The movie talks about June's appearance in medical terms, we know that she wanted to change her appearance, and that she was capable of doing so relatively easily under the right circumstances. By the movie's own logic, June's Nottie-ness was a factitious disorder. Cristabel was imposing it on her as part of ploy to gain attention, sympathy and control from her many suitors. My theory is that she only released June from her clutches after Johan came into the picture because he operates in a very similar way and could be a potential accomplice moving forward.
  16. 1 point
    is it a sync that I gave these two magnets to Chef Kevin at the Medford CBB show and Sona Movsesian was the next guest on HH? (also if you listen to "Maybe Don't" they discuss a lady that steals a $50 CBB poster - I was right there at the merch table when it happened!)
  17. 1 point
    So I was confused by the character of the albino stalker. I mean if you're going to have a whole movie set outside at the beach making a character an albino seems like an odd choice. On top of that to play him as if he has some sort of disability is another weird choice. I was curious what else that actor, Scott Prendergast, had done because he looked kinda familiar. So I pulled up his IMDB and guess what? There is a The Hottie and The Nottie extended universe! Turns out years before The Hottie and The Nottie Scott Prendergast made a short filmed call Anna is Being Stalked. That short film is up on YouTube and here it is: He's playing the exact same character! Everything is the same. The name on the shirt, the albinism, the weird ticks, everything! This short came out years before The Hottie and The Nottie so more likely The Hottie and The Nottie is part of the Anna is Being Stalked cinematic universe. I still want to know why this guy is playing the same part. Did the director know him and threw him in as joke? Did he audition because of his past experience playing a stalker? Blake Harris get on it!
  18. 1 point
    I will continue to bump this until Hard Target gets its proper due. Once again, Wilford Brimley rocks a Cajun accent and shoots people with a bow and arrow. And that is one of the least bonkers aspects of this minor miracle of a movie.
  19. 1 point
    I was getting this movie confused with that one where the girl is cursed and turns into Rob Schneider. And now I'm bummed out that there isn't a movie where Paris Hilton turns into Rob Schneider.
  20. 1 point
    Sounds like you kind of lucked out to me. Think of how much more terrible it would have been if you had dated someone capable of saying that to someone? Either you would have been even more miserable or you would have changed to be like her and then we wouldn’t have our own lovable, cuddly Cam Bert! Besides, I’m sure this gave you tons of time to get into The Cure which is always a win
  21. 1 point
    Can we talk about how Nate and his terrifying best friend only have references in their friendship from elementary school? I've known one of my best friends since the 4th grade ( we didn't become friends until the 7th though) and we both moved away before high school. We are super close to this day and while we do talk about that time we went to Llamafest ( twice because heyo what cool kids we were!) We also talk about the present world and our lives now and the people who have been in them in the interim. We talk about the skills and passions we have as adults and our hopes for the future. Even though we have gone years without talking because life got busy we still can always pick right back up and get back into the groove. Outside of their stalker mission the only things they could talk about in their friendship was their first grade glory days. Who even had those?! It's first grade! Honestly all these two have is their sick obsession. That's it. That's the friendship. Speaking of what exactly does the friend get out of this? It's clear he's been gathering this information for a long time. he had files all set up and ready to go on both Paris and June. Why? He's not trying to get with Paris. Is he just another stalker? If so why would he let his friend use his material to get his dream girl? Why is he so invested in him getting her at all? Has he been stalking her since elementary school out of some insane sense of loyalty to his only friend? If she had rejected his friend once and for all do you think he would have killer Paris, June, Nate, himself, and his mother in a very upsetting revenge murder suicide?
  22. 1 point
    This movie is gross and disgusting and offensive. It it horrible towards everybody. "Hey let's make her one weird stalker and albino? Their lack of pigment is hilarious because who could love that? hahaha I know why don't we give him some sort of twitch with his hands and a speech impediment to indicate a possible learning disability or mental problem as well? Genius! Hahahaha" The movie even stoops so far as to make a "midget" joke with the little girl crying out "I love midget mimes" and thus undoing the hypnosis. Now disregarding the terrible joke of how this is suppose to be an impossible phrase to hear yet there are so many little people mimes out there that a small child loves them more so than any other kind of mime to specify she likes little people mimes instead of just mimes in general. Also what child loves mimes? No! What is truly crazy about this scene is the father coming in to correct her with "They are called little people honey." This movie who could give two fucks on who it's offending and making fun of stops to say "Hey audience, midget is an offensive term and not cool." The kicker to me is nothing to do with the mime and the jokes around him are height based so that line could have literally been anything else. They could have made that code phrase "purple clowns" or "chocolate cowboys" and had a clown in purple or a candy themed cowboy and the scene plays out the exact same. Yet the writer decided "midget mime" was the most hilarious thing. Then they felt guilty about that and so they stop to inform us that we shouldn't be offensive towards this one group. It's just so inconstant and weird. Where is the bit where they stop to apologize to women?
  23. 1 point
    I know they get second opinions from Amazon but I thought this one on IMDB deserved to be seen. Note the star rating.
  24. 1 point
    I'm just going to put this out there as a single woman who refuses to settle. Buy a great vibrator and never feel unsatisfied in life. I am still haunted by that man and his poor poor wife. Love yourself ladies metaphorically and literally.
  25. 1 point
    I’ve been listening for about 3 years and love everything about your show, especially the pleasure you two take in each other. Listening to you “improv” off each other and crack yourselves up is so god damn entertaining! I love your passion for the issues you discuss. But this weeks interview with Kayla McLaughlin was above and beyond. She was so insightful, plain spoken and inspiring at the same time. So proud of all of you! Xoxoxo PS - Bryan it’s ok to cut off contact with your parents. You deserve people in your life who love & cherish you. Just because you’re related doesn’t mean people are allowed to treat you poorly. They should be your biggest champions. It’s ok to let them go. Sending you strength & love.
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