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  1. 6 points
    Iā€™m listening to the episode and had some info on a part of the movie that confused you. When Disneyland first opened you bought ride tickets in addition to paying general admission. So whoever wrote that line(assuming itā€™s Crichton) was thinking about pre-1981 Disney.
  2. 4 points
    Ok so let's get to the nitty gritty here. Men can be and are sexually harassed. Much like domestic violence it's 100% something that does happen to men but is not talked about nearly as much as what happens to women. Nearly 1 in 5 ( roughly 17%) complaints to the EEOC are by men. A survey by Quinnipiac University found 20 percent of men surveyed had been harassed. While they government does not track the gender of perpetrators researchers say that men are more likely to harass other men then women ( though women can be perpetrators). The number of men who have reported harassment has stayed pretty steady for the past decade. The movie is correct in the idea that a lot of sexual harassment is about power. It's also a way to punish people who do not meet the ideal gender norms and for men in particular, those who are not sufficiently like the idealized version of their (perceived) gender. Many men do not report their harassment much like many male victims of sexual and domestic assault. they feel they will not be believed because we live in a society that thinks only women can be victims. A 2014 study found that Canadian woman were twice as likely to report harassment Han their male counterparts( 20% vs just 9 %) To quote a survivor who told his story in this really great article from the Washington Post : "Funk, 53, said he was at first hesitant to talk about what he said he was experiencing at work. ā€œā€‰ā€˜You are a man. You should be able to protect yourself,ā€™ā€‰ā€ he recalled thinking to himself." But even incredibly "masculine" men can be subject to harassment. In 2016 Terry Cruz says he was groped by Adam Venit at a party. Venit is a very well known executive who works at William Morris Endeavor. He's not alone. Brandon Fraser claims in 2003 former HFPA president Philip Berk groped him. These are both famous men, powerful in their own right yet they both have stories about harassment. While this movie is 100% the panicking of rich straight white men in the wake of the Anita Hill Clarence Thomas testimony ( yet here we are in 2019 with another sexual predator on the bench. I'm not going off on that rant) there is a germ of truth in it. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone https://www.canadianwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Facts-About-Sexual-Assault-and-Harassment.pdf https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2502 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/men-account-for-nearly-1-in-5-complaints-of-workplace-sexual-harassment-with-the-eeoc/2018/04/08/4f7a2572-3372-11e8-94fa-32d48460b955_story.html https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/statistics/enforcement/sexual_harassment_new.cfm
  3. 4 points
    I was a big Michael Crichton fan when I was young, I read a lot of his books. But I stopped when he got on his ā€œglobal warming is a hoaxā€ era. I believe he served as a consult for the Bush White House. That was very disappointing for me from someone who was into science and was a doctor. This movie makes me think he was very right wing all along. Heā€™d be on TV saying these women are ruining menā€™s lives and such.
  4. 3 points
    Omission: Dude, totally fuck a hotel room door electric key card reader, for real. I've stayed at a bunch of hotels lately, and the fact that it takes 20 swipes before the door will open is probably the most realistic tech thing in this movie.
  5. 3 points
    I agree that this movie is terrible. I also agree wholeheartedly that so called men's rights activists do not give a flying fuck for male survivors or the well being of men in general. For example On International Women's Day many of them demand an International Men 's Day even though that already exists and is November 19. Ironically the day is rarely googled on its actual date. They care about the fact women have a day at all not that they really want their own day. I also agree that yes women are much more likely to be harassed. I've had several conversations with other female friends about how we do not know *any* women who HAVEN'T been sexually assaulted or harassed including ourselves. However I don't think that negates the fact this does happen to men as well and those survivors deserve every bit of respect and compassion as their female counterparts. It could just be my reading but it feels like you're saying that because a smaller number of harassment is reported it means less? That what they went through isn't as upsetting because women face worse? Again this could be my interpretation. I honestly don't think you can compare this kind of thing. It's deeply personal and affects each survivor differently. I think that our society tends to fail people who speak out but I really think that we fail male survivors in a unique and horrible way. It's bad enough to not think you will be believed because the system is awful. Even worse when you think people won't believe you because of your gender.
  6. 3 points
    I don't think anyone denies that sexual harassment can and does happen to men, but horseshit movies like this don't help, and I don't care for the arguments that try to compare the relatively uncommon suffering and exploitation of men under the patriarchy with the extremely common and usually much more severe suffering of women. It's just not equivalent. Unfortunately there are disgusting organizations claiming to fight for "men's rights" who will use these stats and the testimonies of male victims to push their own sexist, homophobic, and often white supremacist agenda. As someone said on the podcast, this film seems like it would be a real favourite with that crowd, pandering to their inflated sense of victimhood and entitlement.
  7. 3 points
    After listening to the discussion about it. I might as well add my expriences as a teenager in the age of the "Adult Movie" laden 90s. Back when I was at school, there was a bustling tape trading scene. One kid would have "Sliver", and is willing to make a deal to get his hands on "9 1/2 Weeks". There was the one kid who was trying to palm off "Naked Lunch", but nobody was gonna take that slop. The kid who had Basic Instinct was the hot hand. If you had that, you can decide your own terms. But, it was also great, because you weren't bringing porn into school, and because it's being taped off the TV, you just label it something like "WWF SuperStars", because who's getting in trouble for wrestling? But, all that changed with the advent of a new network channel, Channel 5. We only had BBC, ITV, and Channel 4, so getting your hands on tapes was much more difficult, because you had to scour the Radio Times, find something that could potentially be considered "dirty", programme it in, hope your mum and dad had gone to bed at that time, and then wake up earlier than everybody else to get the tape out before anybody could catch you, it's especially tricky if you have satellite. There was a real risk/reward aspect to the operation, but, if you could pull it off, you've got a bargaining chip. But then Channel 5 happened, and it just turned that shit on it's ear, because Channel 5 changed the game with the Friday Night Dirty Movie. Or, as it was pronounced where I'm from "The Frahdee Nah't Detty FIlm". With the Frahdee Nah't Detty Film becoming a staple in the listings, it basically collapsed the tape trading scene, because why would you wait around for someone to bring in a relatively tame Sharon Stone movie, when Shannon Tweed was on every Friday? The market was flooded, and now there was no bargaining leverage. And, what happens when an underworld market collapses? A kingpin rises up, and this kid rose up because he had a TV in his room. Not only did he have a TV in his room, he had a VCR... and Cable. British cable channels were weird in the 90s, some of them would just become softcore channels at 10pm. We had this channel called L!VE TV, you ask any man who was a teenager in the 90s, that channel was stuff of legend. You had Grenada Men & Motors, cars in the day, dirty programming at night, whatever took your fancy, cable had it. The market was back, but ruled by one kid. It collapsed again because he got taken down when someone snitched on him to the teachers. Those days were like the wild west, I still miss it a little.
  8. 2 points
    I mean, this film doesn't understand how anything works: email, computers, forklifts, corporate structure, Prozac, virtual reality, marriage, the law, sex...
  9. 2 points
    Apologies all for being MIA. I got a very serious strep infection in my left foot. I have been in the hospital since 9/16. It appears I will get to go home tomorrow so I hope to be able to join next weekā€™s mayhem.
  10. 2 points
    After a string of live shows it was great to get this in-studio episode. The non-stop banter with Emily and the always-reliable Nick Kroll reminded me of some of the best early episodes before live episodes became more prevalent. With this appearance, Nick moves into third place as most frequent guest, right behind Adam Scott and Jessica St. Clair tied for 1st (JSC moves into 1st if you count the non-canonical episode about Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets, which I usually don't). Disclosure charts onto the top 25 most profitable movies at a modest #17, nicely nestled in between Spice World and Timecop. Demi Moore also makes it onto the list of stars in most HDTGM movies (for Nothing But Trouble, LOL, Striptease, and now Disclosure).
  11. 1 point
    https://www.earwolf.com/episode/disclosure-w-nick-kroll-emily-altman/ Nick Kroll (Big Mouth) and Emily Altman (Big Mouth) join Paul and Jason in-studio to discuss the 1994 erotic thriller Disclosure starring Michael Douglas and Demi Moore. They talk about the Big Mouth tie-in to the movie, Demi Moore speaking on the internet & virtual reality, Michael Douglasā€™s character getting sexually harassed, and more. This episode is brought to you by Squarespace (www.squarespace.com/BONKERS code: BONKERS), SweeTango Apple (www.sweetango.com/bonkers), Simplisafe (www.simplisafe.com/bonkers), Betterhelp (www.betterhelp.com/bonkers), and Hotel Tonight (www.hoteltonight.com). Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgm.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubliā€¦wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
  12. 1 point
    Haven't listened to the episode yet, but am I alone in thinking that aside from the dated aspects (Virtual Reality!) and the kind of confused take on sexual politics (the movie seems to wander into a good point about sexual harassment as often as it wanders into some total bullshit), it's kind of . . . good? Like, just as a low-key thriller about corporate backstabbing it seems fairly competent to me. Nowhere near as ridiculous as something like Lawnmower Man. I guess the problem is that in order to make it a good thriller it has to give you a hero and a villain, which undercuts whatever nuance you might have gotten out of reversing the genders from the typical sexual-harassment scenario. And Michael Crichton doesn't write anything that isn't a pulpy thriller.
  13. 1 point
    I think one of the best examples of why this is a good HDTGM movie is that a crucial plot point is a factory that we essentially never visit has changed from a Level 7 to Level 5 air handler. This movie could have been truly great if it been tweaked so that the sexual harassment was a contrived plot where everyone was a conspirator (including his wife and kids) to give Michael Douglas the crucial motivation to solve the Arcamax problem.
  14. 1 point
    I believe that same article talked about Night Trap, I remember really wanting to play both Clock Tower and Night Trap because of it. The licensing for Clock Tower is up in the air last I checked, so hopefully someday it gets the same rerelease treatment that Night Trap has.
  15. 1 point
    They did, yea. They played a clip of a scene with Lennon from it and talked about it shortly. Then they showed a bunch of clips of people playing John Lennon in films since he didnā€™t act as much as the others.
  16. 1 point
    So at the start when Douglas is grilling that guy about if he got the promotion the guy asks him if he's ok and needs a Prozac. I don't think that this movie understands how Prozac works. Not that I'm surprised. Not to *brag* but I was on Prozac and I know for a fact it takes a week( usually 2) to start working. It's not like Xanax or something similar that works instantly. I don't know why but the idea of people just passing out random Prozac to their upset colleagues like fucking tic tacs is both hilarious and worrisome. Edit: I just started the episode and they also mentioned this. Oops!
  17. 1 point
    I'm not sure how I heard of it either. Maybe it was the same article. The sequel on PS1 is definitely a continuation of the story and basically game play but it's this to Creepers are mostly nonexistent I think (not totally sure since I played both years before seeing the movie). I want to say my first play through was a couple hours. If you know what you're doing it's maybe half an hour and I definitely got all the endings in an evening. So, you could probably just watch a let's play in youtube to check it out.
  18. 1 point
    The "You're gonna need a forklift to get hard" line might sound weird, but I have a theory about it. I think the line was going to be "You're gonna need a forklft to get it up!", and then there was a Bill O'Reilly "we'll do it live" incident. So the line "You're gonna need a forklift to get it up!" is changed because somebody said "What do you mean 'get it up'? Get what up? His dick? That makes no sense, why would you need a forklift? But why a forklift? But it doesn't "go up" it gets hard! I've never heard anybody in my life say "Get it up", they say "get hard". Just change the line! Change it! No no, keep the forklift in, are you kidding me, forklift is fucking GOLD! See, now it's manly, but sexy!"
  19. 1 point
    I downloaded that a few years back actually, haha. I'd remembered hearing about it before (Nintendo Power maybe? Some kind of game magazine article talking about controversial games) and falsely thinking I'd already played it, when in reality it was just a mixture of the movie, the PS1 sequel (which I did play), and my general scatterbrainedness. The giant baby put a smile on my face for weeks! You're maybe the fourth person I've ever heard talk about it.
  20. 1 point
    I have to say as a long time ardent fan I was REALLY disappointed with this ā€˜movieā€™. This isnā€™t a bad movie or a so bad itā€™s fun movie or a forgot weird gem it a terrible student film that is the biggest piece of sh-t I have ever seen in my life. Itā€™s like you wanted to punish the Canadian audience by picking a (very bad) student film about the American political system (sort of) which many people here wonā€™t get and then you chose one that is impossible to find without a hack and a computer hooked up to TV - and deciphering the password clue. I was able to get over all those barriers but about 1 minute in immediately regretted my tenacity. This movie has 0 redeeming qualities. Besides the John Snow poster (not the scene just that it was in there) and the amazingly bad ADR. This was insanely sad. My wife was was mad too. We got merch shirts and were psyched and instead of something like ā€˜Teen Witchā€™ we get this just utter trash. Iā€™ve seen many film school movies and this was one of the worst. I expected more and think you left your fans down here big time with this.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    What is this, Light Your Penis On Fire Day? It is? Cool
  23. 1 point
    Also, this is the best Spartacus reference.
  24. 1 point
    I also saw it and was blown away by it. Pitt is at his best this summer. He really carried that role and of course it was beautiful! It was at once infinitely expansive and intensely internal. My only nit pick was the end scene at Neptune. It felt more melodramatic and more of a stretch than the rest did.
  25. 1 point
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