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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I'm the opposite - hated the show, always hated the band (who were before my time anyway, apart from their 80s revival) but was impressed that they would make a film that called the band "plastic" and that they would position themselves with musicians like Frank Zappa rather than do what everyone probably expected, eg. a remake of A Hard Day's Night or worse, yet another version of A Star Is Born. It's a crazy document of a crazy time. But yeah, probably helps if you get super high before you watch it. Speaking of, if you DID like Head, check out Zappa's 200 Motels, which makes Head look like Oklahoma!
  2. 2 points
    Yeah. I didn't rewatch this but I saw it maybe 15 years ago. It's a bad movie. The are some bits I remember vaguely liking or liking the premise even if it didn't work. But, overall, big no from me. I would recommend at least checking out an episode or two of the show which was very different. It was much goofier and funnier (but that might be my nostalgia from loving the show as a kid). From what I understand, the movie basically killed their careers. The show was kind of losing its popularity a bit and was mostly a kids or tweens show. The movie was rated R so their entire fanbase couldn't see it. So, it bombed hard and, coupled with the waning ratings going down, that was kind of it for the group (there was also fighting in the group and with management for a number of reasons that didn't help).
  3. 2 points
    I will say this, as far as music goes, the first two songs, “Porpoise Song” and “Circle Sky” are the best. I can totally understand why you’d bail though. It’s a pretty confounding movie. From what I understand, the director, Jack Nicholson, and the Monkees got together over a weekend, got super high, recorded everything they said, and that became the movie. My question is: how good we’re those drugs that even after that weekend was over they looked at the script and were like, “Yup, still good.”
  4. 1 point
    I don't know about other bands, but The Monkees, or maybe just Michael and Peter, actively wanted to write and perform music. It's been presented they Peter and maybe Michael genuinely thought they would be a proper band when they signed on (that seems pretty farfetched but they've said it). Then, once they were really dragged in public about it, went out and actually did record their own album with Headquarters. They did play live. So, I think they deserve at least a little bit more respect even if they didn't play on any of their hits. Of course, once they had more control, they flopped. Headquarters isn't a great album. Head is generally considered a not good movie. So, it's a mixed bag in how much acclaim they deserve.
  5. 1 point
    My two faves were "As We Go Along" which I thought was gorgeous and I immediately went to try to listen to it a bunch, and "Can You Dig It?" was fun
  6. 1 point
    I gave up after 25 minutes, but from what I saw, my favorite Monkee is NONE OF THEM.
  7. 1 point
    We've found the person who's going to pick Elephant Parts for their next selection.
  8. 1 point
    For the last time, I’m not gonna show you how to send dick pics on your phone. Ok talk to you later, Dad.
  9. 1 point
    I'm pretty sure we may be the same person...
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Well pull down my Peter pants and tinker my bell!
  12. 1 point
    Who’s your favorite Monkee? Mine is Mike Nesmith.
  13. 1 point
    I'm happy for comedy in this day and age for it's the only thing that can take my mind away in a daze. When things look dim, we can look to within, and look forward to better days.
  14. 1 point
    Davy Jones was Rock’s most electrifying hype man...
  15. 1 point
    I feel like I should put in a request for an Emotional Support June. Also birds remember being dinosaurs and are PISSED. Her fear is valid.
  16. 1 point
    I agree. I cannot handle horror films or anything really dark because I get vivid nightmares. It's always been something that deeply upsets me. I just cannot do it. I once tried to watch an episode of Torchwood with a friend that involved a space manatee thing being used for meat while still alive and my mom had to force me to stop watching because I was sobbing so hard. So even though I really wanted to watch a show that a friend had introduced to me I just had to put my mental wellbeing above our bonding moment. Thankfully she understood and was more than happy to skip that episode. As a general rule if you know that someone can't handle something it's ok to do things separately or picking another option that you both would enjoy.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Ever since you fell asleep in your coffin, I can't help but notice that we talk less often.
  19. 1 point
    YAY! I WIN! AND John butchered my name TWICE, in DIFFERENT WAYS! I don't think they need to see Resident Evil, they already did Ultraviolet which is basically bargain bin RE anyway. Yeah... It's not like it's a deal breaker or anything. If you SO is uncomfortable with something, don't ask/guilt/force them to do it. Also, you don't have to share everything.
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