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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Speaking of Bette I just finished the book version of The First Wives Club and it was pretty good. It's a lot darker than the movie and has some annoying racism and homophobic stuff but mostly by like... the evil husbands so I'm trying to not let it bother me too much though I did find it annoying. I was annoyed that the movie changed the character of Annie's daughter because in the book she's got 3 kids and her daughter has Downs Syndrome. It always annoys me as a disabled person to see people with disabilities erased. But I guess that storyline (her husband steals money from said daughter's trust to buy stocks ) was too dark? I was also mad they changed Barbra's (Bette's role) plot. I don't know if anyone wants to read it so I don't know if I should spoil it but it's another missed opportunity though they do add a character with a somewhat similar plot line in the movie.
  2. 2 points
    I know Halloween is over technically but I will genuinely watch this any time of year just saying. And if Bette Midler sings in something it is automatically a musical classic.
  3. 2 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? I found HDTGM in 2016 through another podcast while I was working at a soul crushing office job. I started at the beginning with Burlesque and I managed to binge through the entire catalogue in maybe 3 months. I had never even heard of the gang before listening. Favorite catchphrase? I love What’s up Jerks! I yell it in my car. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) I cannot remember the episode but I died laughing in my chair when Jason revealed that clowns plagued his neighborhood growing up. The episode you revisit the most Face off and Con Air... family favorites before and even better now! The movie that you loved or hated watching I did not enjoy Free Jacked, but I’ve been pretty lucky finding bad movies I actually enjoy. I see a lot of hate for Ninja Terminator here but I friggin had a ball watching that movie! I thought there was something incredibly entertaining watching a movie made of stock footage for other movies. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I’ve discovered an entire genre of podcasts through HDTGM. Through this show I found Spontaneanation and many comedians that I would have never found otherwise. And thank you so much Paul for picking my comment on the Wraith, I know I won nothing. Like I mentioned before my old office job was killing me but because of this show I felt like I spent my days there with friends. I quit that job, I’m in a much better place now and I’ll bring you guys wherever I go. Thank you so much gang for being there and it was a dream come true to see you live in Denver! It’s honestly my dream to be a guest on the show, but we’ll see where the next 200 take us Oh and as for the next 200 I will shamelessly plug The Core, PS I Love You and The Reign of Fire for future episodes
  4. 2 points
    Omg I listen at work always and my coworkers will always look at me whenever I lose it and have to cover my mouth because I'm genuinely laughing so hard that I cry. I usually then take off my headphones and one of them will go, "What movie are they covering?" because they just KNOW it's gotta be HDTGM that makes me laugh that hard.
  5. 2 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? Twilight Breaking Dawn, Pt. 1. The friend I made a secret pact with to love/hate-watch all the movies in the theater pointed me at this episode. They had me at "Not-Tom-Skerritt." Favorite catchphrase? "This guy gets it" A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) I traveled to Chicago from DC to see the "Striptease" show. June's nuanced take on the vulnerability of sex workers, and also the fact that Paul and Jason weren't even holding up their mics while she was talking made for an unexpectedly emotional memory for me from a show where people scream over each other (to my delight) more often than not. I know it wasn't popular with a lot of people, but in the audience it went over huge. Also, this isn't one particular moment but anytime Paul says something that makes the other hosts basically stop the podcast--I love it. The episode you revisit the most Definitely "Solarbabies." I feel like I can admit to you all that most nights I'm falling asleep to random parts of that episode. The movie that you loved or hated watching I can't believe I used the entirety of my time in the United first-class lounge watching "Ninja Terminator." That was brutal. Probably the most unexpected "I love this" movie was "Death Spa." How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine Every other Thursday/Friday night I'm usually watching an HDTGM movie. My favorite way to listen is on the 2-hour trip to visit my parents in the country on some Saturday mornings; I love to have that stretch of road and nothing to interrupt the podcast. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff HDTGM is my main podcast. I listen to a lot, but it's the one I totally fangirl for the most. It is very sappy to say, but the two live shows I've been to were so incredibly affirming. I'm taking my boyfriend this weekend to a live show and I'm more emotionally invested in this than him meeting my parents. Also the forums rock. Truly one of the nicest, smartest places on the internet.
  6. 1 point
    Just added the weekly poll. Sorry for the delay!
  7. 1 point
    Lol I was gonna mention him or Edward G. Robinson.
  8. 1 point
    The first time I saw a movie with Peter Lorre, I suddenly understood about one million Looney Tunes jokes.
  9. 1 point
    Hey if you’re like Paul and you miss Filmstruck go check if your local library card gives you access to Kanopy.com, lots of colleges and libraries are members and it also carries the Criterion collection as well as a well curated list of more popular films. Hope this helps some of you!!
  10. 1 point
    At Thanksgiving dinner, even the Turkey is stuffed! My uncle Larry told me that joke before going on a 45 minute rant about why Hillary should be in prison and then passing out on the couch during the Cowboys game.
  11. 1 point
    What time works for everyone tomorrow night? 9 PM Eastern, like the Classic series?
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Now my second pick for this theme isn't strictly a musical per se, but it does have elements like a few that have been picked before, so today I'm giving you:
  17. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? The movie that could have lead the team to re-think if this process was worth it... The Last Airbender. Luckily for us they persevered. Favorite catchphrase? Nothing will ever beat "What's its Mission." A clip or moment that you'll always remember? This is selfish choice, but I was lucky enough to be noticed by Paul for my Betty White Holding an Urn tee shirt. I even got to ask a great question during Superman IV episode (ep 178; 1:19:37) But one that is more general... I still love the team trying to break down the cold open of Sleepaway Camp (ep 48; 9:17) The episode you revisit the most It was Devil's Advocate till I lost it. Please re-release that one!!!! "My acting secret is that I have downs" The movie that you loved or hated watching Loved watching "No Holds Barred" and hated watching "Gooby" How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine Any kind of commuting I do (I live in NYC; so a lot of public transportation) I will listen to HDTGM. It's just the perfect way to pass the time. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff This show has given me so much joy in my life. The amount of bullshit that we are dealing with in this climate is unfathomable, but Paul, June and Jason help me and others forget all about that for a few hours. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that this is a free podcast where the hosts must dedicate an extreme amount of time out of their work and personal life... just to make us idiots laugh. I guess this is why I have always tried to weigh-in on the message boards, worked on the Howdies, or assist when a movie can't be found (Rad, Freejack, cutting down Yes, Giorgio.) I will always try to do anything to help alleviate stress and make the podcast better for the team and fans. I know it doesn't go unnoticed by Paul, June and Jason. In fact, I was very blessed to have met Jason at a bar once and told him how much the podcast meant to me. He couldn't have been more kind and sincere with his thanks. The trio understand that they have a strong support system in their fans and never phone it in. Thank you Paul, June and Jason. Please know that your efforts in suffering through some really horrible films, does not go unnoticed.
  18. 1 point
    I wish I could remember what the first episode of HDTGM I listened to was. It might be BATMAN AND ROBIN. I know I posted on social media excited when hey did DAREDEVIL (shut up, I like comic book movies) so it was definitely before that. I think the first time I commented on the forums was CONFESSIONS OF A MARRIAGE COUNSELOR. I think it's more fun now that I post on the forums. It's interactive and whatever! I don't know about favorites. I would often listen to old episodes when I was anxious. And I said so on the forums and when the paywall went up other forum posters we're like offering me their saved episodes on the DL which was very sweet. (After I had posted about a recent hospitalization for PTSD.) I thought it was kind of funny. "Are you okay? Do you want my copy of the BLOODSPORT episode?" I don't know about favorite catch phrases either. I like Paul's Blockbuster stories and Jason's Harry Potter references (especially since I work in children's publishing). I do find myself saying things like "that was wild" (tm Nicole Byer), "so upsetting" and "what is happening right now?". It made me wonder if other regular listeners have started using HDTGM verbiage. I even saw a friend who lives in Italy mention Stellar Skateboard. She didn't know about the podcast but had seen that name on Wikipedia and adopted it. (As anyone I am friends with would IMMEDIATELY do.) I was pleased.
  19. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? My first episode of HDTGM was Punisher: War Zone. Years after this movie's theatrical release, I was curious-enough to watch this gonzo action film. After doing so, I scoured the Internet for more information on it and stumbled upon the HDTGM episode with Patton Oswalt and director Lexi Alexander. I was hooked on this show--the first I have actually ever listened to--instantly. From there, both my wife and I started devouring all of the back episodes between the weeks when new episodes would appear. My wife, Amy, now listens to a wide range of podcasts (My Favorite Murder, James Bonding, The Dollup, Myths and Legends, Sordid Details, Do You Need A Ride?, etc, etc.), and her listening habits/fandom can be directly attributed back to HDTGM. When Patton Oswalt came to Powell's Books here in Portland to promote his book, Silver Screen Fiend, my wife and I asked him to sign a DVD copy of Punisher: War Zone (which he graciously did) and we thanked him for essentially introducing us to this wonderful podcast that has been a huge part of our lives. Favorite catchphrase? "Hello people of Earth." While "What's up, jerks" and What's it's mission?!?" are great catchphrases, Paul's "Hello people of Earth" will always be my favorite. This is going to sound cheesy, but Paul's introduction makes me feel, as a listener, included in on this wonderful thing only my fellow bad movie-loving misfits know about and enjoy. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) The one moment from an episode that comes immediately to mind is from the Batman and Robin episode where Jessie Falcon does the imitation of the X-Men movie producer: "They will be on snowboards, claw fighting the entire way down." The episode you revisit the most I bring this episode up quite a bit, but hands-down my favorite is 88 Minutes. This episode is nothing but wall-to-wall jokes, laughter and spot-on insight into an insane (and insanely re-watchable) movie. Pete Holmes laughter is infectious, and his Al Pacino impression ("Give me your fuckin' phone, you cock sucker!") is absolutely amazing. This episode (much like this week's, Action Jackson) is so much fun to listen to. It's one I definitely go back to when I need a comedy pick-me-up. The movie that you loved or hated watching Van Helsing. I both loved and hated this movie. I remember only watching the first couple of minutes of this movie when it first came out on home video and turning it off about 10 minutes in: the campy acting and trite action movie plot were too much for me at the time. Thankfully, when it was announced for HDTGM, I watched it from beginning to end with my wife, who was absolutely giddy at the film's sheer a awfulness. Seeing her enjoy the insane plot contrivances, blistering CGI and over-the-top hammy acting made watching this film so much fun. My wife's pretty much the best bad movie watching partner in the world. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine I have Fridays off from work, which is when new episode and minisodes usually land. While I'm straightening up the house, doing laundry and generally getting shit done, HDTGM is beaming either from my TV or through my earbuds. When there is a particular movie I really want to comment on, I'll sit down and take the time to craft observations I hope Paul, June, Jason, and the message board will hopefully find entertaining, funny and not a complete waste of their time. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff  This is going to sound sappy as all get out, but HDTGM is like family to my wife and me. We've spent seven years listening to this show, and it never fails to entertain us or lift our spirits when we're down. Not to give away to much of the store, but I suffer from depression (anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks, etc) and I've been slowly learning how to positively navigate my way through it all. HDTGM plays a huge part in helping me tackle my depression. When I lost my sister in 2014, and my mom was diagnosed with cancer a year ago (she's recovering now), I'd listen to old episode of HDTGM to get me through. I don't know Paul, Jason or June personally, but I love, admire and respect them as if I did. That old cliche about people you'd want to get a beer with? It totally applies here. This show has been there for me when I needed it most, helping me to realize the world is a great place with wonderful, talented and like-minded people in it. Our fellow fans on the message board are an absolutely delightful and intelligent group of compatriots, and my wife and I look forward to their hilarious insights and observations each week. Thankfully, there's no troll-like shittiness there: just people who love bad movie as much as my we do. HDTGM means quite a bit to us. If the show ever makes it's way up to Portland, there will be two goofy fans up here waiting to welcome you guys with open arms (arms we promise not to utilize to grab the mic during the audience Q & A). Thank you Paul, Jason, June, the crew, and the message board for making HDTGM one of the absolute best things in the world!
  20. 1 point
    I need to find all the episodes that have Paul's Childhood Moments because they are GOLD. I know that the Little Buddy one is from one of the Chicago shows . I think it's Striptease. Can you guys think about any other great Paul Childhood Moments? I still love that he and his mom watched Bratz together.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Ha! I actually just listened to this last night... Reindeer Games, begins around 5:15
  23. 1 point
    Sorry got posted twice by accident so enjoy this gif!
  24. 1 point
    This has happened to me twice. The odd laugh every now and again sure but twice to the point of having to get off the train at the wrong stop because I look like a madman just cackling away. Once was the infamous Sleepaway Camp episode the second was Todd Glass's trying to identify U2 songs on "Are You Two Talking U2 to Me?"
  25. 1 point
    No matter what podcast I'm listening to at the moment, even if I'm only halfway through whatever that might be, I always switch to the new HDTGM as soon as it shows up in my queue. Thanks for all the great stuff and for the weird, noble sacrifice of all those countless hours lost to strange, terrible movies. When my friend first introduced me to the show some 6 years ago, he prefaced it by saying something like, "When I first heard this, I thought 'this is like the height of what the podcast medium is for." Concurred.
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