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  1. 2 points
    I agree, but let me go one step further... The whole concept of The Rock's character in this film is LITERALLY POINTLESS. The Rock is only brought in because his former partner needs to get the tablet from the billionaire to the bad guys. There is nothing The Rock specifically has to do in order for the bad guys to succeed. It's not like The Rock is the original engineer or security expert that created all the saftey measures of The Pearl. If that was the case, than that is why The Rock would have the tablet and be so instrumental to the storyline. But how the movie is constructed, all the elite villains had to do is create a shell company similar to The Rock's (maybe using Squarespace.com ; offer code "bonkers"), and just have a bad guy portray this expert to sign off on the building. He would have then gotten the job and just walked out the door with the tablet. Bingo Bango.
  2. 2 points
    Probably my biggest problem is that the movie would make so much more sense if The Rock already had the job he interviews for in this movie. The entire villain plot hinges on The Rock getting the tablet that day. It means he has to ace the interview which would definitely be highly competitive. It means the building owner would just give him the tablet immediately. BUT if he had been working there a while, he would already have the tablet. It would explain why his family is living in otherwise uninhabited floors of this building. It would explain why The Rock and his family know the layout of the building so well. You could easily have Rock's friend from the FBI visiting him to see how successful he is after the incident. That way you wouldn't need the bizarre plot point that the FBI friend who is now a criminal somehow set up the interview. You wouldn't need Rock to say he's "working out of his garage" which he clearly isn't.
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    Good news everyone! I am out of the hospital!
  5. 1 point
    In this week’s special episode, Paul & Amy are answering all of your questions, submitted by Unspooled’s Facebook group! They reminisce about the origin story of the podcast, explain which documentaries they would add to the AFI 100, and tell each other their favorite movie snacks. Finally, they celebrate the first 25 episodes by unveiling their official ranking of every movie covered on Unspooled so far. Next week’s movie is β€œMr. Smith Goes To Washington,” so call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your best campaign speech for Jimmy Stewart (in a Jimmy Stewart voice!) Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com, and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts.
  6. 1 point
    When the secondary team breaks into the offsite security office, I got really pissed off on how they executed everyone. As you can see in the provided image, the 4 shooters were just aiming aimlessly at all the technicians below with no regards to hitting any of the high tech equipment. This would be fine if not for the next scene, the hacker needed to tap into those same computers to overtake The Pearl. Also I don't see this movie as just a shitty Die Hard... because it's more of a shitty combination of Die Hard and Die Hard 4. In fact this particular scene happened exactly in Die Hard 4... when Timothy Olyphant's sexy asian girlfriend (Maggie Q) attacking an offsite security office. Again image provided. From Skyscraper From Die Hard 4:
  7. 1 point
    Speaking of the helicopter, there's a scene where it's "too hot" for the helicopter to be near the burning building, but Rock can just hang there from the side of the building?
  8. 1 point
    After The Rock's daughter is kidnapped, the squad tells The Rock to get the USB drive or she'll die. Pretty simple troupe, but there are two things that infuriated me: The Entire Villainous Team Leave The Rock ALONE!!! Why?! Why would they not leave one person to watch over The Rock and ensure he does as he's told?! What if right after everyone leaves, the billionaire sees that The Rock is alone and decides to open the doors? Then he and The Rock can team up and come up with a plan to rescue the daughter and escape. The bad guys tell The Rock to get the USB drive. The Rock has no clue what that drive looks like, therefore the billionaire could easily give him some other random instrument that also looks like a high-tech vibrator. This movie is soooo sloppy even for a popcorn film staring The Rock.
  9. 1 point
    For people who are buying these movies on iTunes (like me), Bridge on the River Kwai is currently on sale for 4.99. Its regular price is 17.99. So, if you’re interested, I’d jump on that now
  10. 1 point
    Bad Guy to Building Guy: "You know I can't kill you." 10 seconds later fires automatic weapon at him repeatedly. Gee I guess he just plain forgot about that no-killing him thing, huh?
  11. 1 point
    One thing Paul said during the episode, (something along the lines of) "ranking these movies makes me feel like/appreciate the AFI doing this more." Which is kind of funny, because that's one thing the members of the AFI didn't technically sit down and think about (outside of their top 5 tie breakers). Because members just submitted a ballot of their top 100 movies, unweighted (outside of their top 5, which were also unweighted within). /broken record Though, trying to do a top 25 list like that with two hosts would be quite non-sensical Though since everyone else is doing it though. (I rarely do star ratings because I discovered in the early Netflix years that my ratings have a margin of error of +/-1 on a 4-5 point scale. So a "2" start movie might be rated a "3" and a "4" star movie on a given day might be rated a "3", and that happened enough, I just kind of stopped except for movies I really, really liked. So, instead, breaking them out into tiers All time favorites 1. 2001 2. Citizen Kane 3. Apocalypse Now -------------------- Really, Really Enjoyed to Loved, depending on my mood 4. Taxi Driver 5. All About Eve -------------------- Really enjoyed, good movies, but don't come to mind as "all time greats" 6. Psycho 7. Double Indemnity -------------------- I'd watch again/enjoyed 8. Bonnie & Clyde (really need to rewatch/haven't seen in forever, but looking at everything else, it would probably end up around here) 9. Duck Soup 10. Singin' in the Rain 11. High Noon (probably here more from having seen it only once) 12. The General -------------------- Wouldn't seek them out, but could rewatch them if needed to, for, say a podcast and its discussion (or if, stuck with family and they really wanted to watch them). 13. Shawshank Redemption 14. King Kong 15. Lord of the Rings ------------------- Eh, I'd be fine if I never saw any of these movies again. 16. Platoon 17. African Queen 18. The Sixth Sense 19. Raiders of the Lost Ark 20. ET ------------------ Haven't seen :: Want to see The French Connection Wizard of Oz :: Might watch just for general film history knowledge Swing Time :: Might watch just for general film history knowledge, but probably not Ben-Hur :: Don't think I'll be watching Titanic
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I take it a whole lot of people haven't seen Gallapoli. Cause that's going to bump most things.
  14. 1 point
    Yet you still like Real Genius
  15. 1 point
    I will quickly share this story because I believe I've talked about this in the HDTGM forums before and don't want to repeat myself. I have seen Ghostbuster way too many times, like uncountable number of times. I had it on VHS as a kid and would watch the movie all the time. Like any chance the TV was free I would put it in and watch it. If my parents wanted to go over to a friends house they'd bring the cassette and just plunk me down in a back room and I would watch it back to back until they wanted to go home. The first memories I have of going to a movie in the theaters was to see Ghostbusters 2 because I was so obsessed with the first. This is doubly odd because I would have been 6 which raises the question of how did the movie not freak me out at that age and why would my parents take a 6 year old to see Ghostbusters 2. Anyway, I watched the tape so much that I literally wore the tape out and my parents refused to replace it citing I had "seen it enough."
  16. 1 point
    For anyone interested, and to save people the trouble of looking up my list on Letterboxd, here's my list: 1. Psycho β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 2. Raiders of the Lost Ark β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 3. Lord of the Rings β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 4. ET β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 5. Singin' in the Rain β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 6. All About Eve β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 7. African Queen β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 8. Citizen Kane β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 9. Double Indemnity β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 10. Wizard of Oz β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 11. Platoon β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 12. 2001 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 13. Taxi Driver β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 14. Shawshank Redemption β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 15. Bonnie & Clyde β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 16. Apocalypse Now β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 17. High Noon β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 18. Duck Soup β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 19. The Sixth Sense β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 20. King Kong β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 21. The French Connection β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 22. Ben-Hur β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 23. The General β˜…β˜…β˜…Β½ 24. Swing Time β˜…β˜…β˜… 25. Titanic β˜…β˜…β˜… Even writing that out I kind of want to move a couple of things around - lol I will say, if I did, it wouldn't be anything too drastic. Mostly within their own groupings. So I might shuffle the 5 star movies around, but I probably wouldn't bring a 3 star movie all the way up to the Top Ten or anything. ETA: Also anything from about 16-18 down, I wouldn't lose any sleep over if they were removed from the next iteration of this list. None of them are bad, but I'm kind of apathetic to them. I don't feel like they NEED to be there or anything.
  17. 1 point
    That is very true and very fair, and everyone that is there is also super kind and tolerant of different opinions which is awesome! The creator, Kate, is one of the best mods that group could've gotten.
  18. 1 point
    Yea serious... how is Reddit getting a mention over us? I don't mind the FB group, but as I've said, they talk about movies in general (someone once was like 'what's your favorite World War I movie' which... who cares or has one? But still had a million replies.). I prefer talking about these specific 100. Also I mainly know your guys' Letterboxd lists, and my own, but it feels like Paul AND Amy's list was pretty different from ours, which was interesting.
  19. 1 point
    Yeah, it's kind of a bummer, but I get it. I think the difference is that the Facebook thing was a grassroots, fan-built group whereas the forums were provided for us - whether we use it or not. I think it must be very flattering to create something and then have a group of people build a community around it. Also, because more people are already on Facebook, it has the potential to reach more people. That being said, I prefer the forums, and I will never, ever, ever, create a Facebook account. Ever. Like, ever. Ever, ever, ever.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Even being part of the Facebook group I have to admit I'm a lil salty that they get special treatment over other platforms. I had to significantly lessen my time on there because of shit and I got off of Twitter almost completely (save for deleting my account totally). I wish questions had been accepted from everywhere!
  22. 1 point
    To be honest I fully thought she was going to die in that phone booth or wander out and collapse on the football field. I did NOT expect her to make it as long as she did so when she started to sing the second song I just assumed she would burst into a sobbing meltdown or something not drop dead. I was shocked by that. Not ending of A Night In Heaven shocked (I literally screamed at that ending) but still shocked.
  23. 1 point
    As a 200 episodes gift, I think we should buy Paul, June, and Jason matching Action Jackson satin jackets (try saying that 5 times fast), which can be bought on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-ACTION-JACKSON-Satin-Jacket-Wow-LARGE-RARE/200972508724?hash=item2ecae51e34:g:d-EAAOxyUWtSU0kA
  24. 1 point
    Action Jackson Attacks has to be sequel name
  25. 1 point
    This has happened to me twice. The odd laugh every now and again sure but twice to the point of having to get off the train at the wrong stop because I look like a madman just cackling away. Once was the infamous Sleepaway Camp episode the second was Todd Glass's trying to identify U2 songs on "Are You Two Talking U2 to Me?"
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