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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/19 in all areas
1 point
1 pointI would also like to point out that - based on the lyrics - he’s less “Rockula” than “Nerdula.” And while he’s clearly not a singer, I noticed Dean Cameron (Ralph/Rockula) co-wrote a number of the songs.
1 point
1 pointI only know this because Almostaghost and Polly told me but he gets blood delivered. You bring up something that really frustrated me. He likes garlic. Crosses don't bother him. He can go out in the sun (with sun block). He has a reflection. Presumably he can't glammer because otherwise he'd win over Mona instantly. He's barely a vampire. A lot of vampire stories play with or ignore some of the lore. That's fine. Sometimes it really adds some interesting depth. Rockula ignored pretty much all of it though. Some of it is needlessly brought up. The scene with him explaining he likes garlic didn't need to be there. The scene with crosses not bothering him didn't need to be there. The sunblock scene could have taken place at night (but I'm fine with it as a joke in a vampire movie). If you're going to break one major part of the mythology for your movie, you can't actively drop the rest of it too.
1 pointI loved how his long haired band mate during “He’s the DJ, I’m the Vampire” was only onstage to give him high fives.
1 pointMirror Guy is such a main part of the movie, I can't fathom why they wouldn't even attempt to explain him
1 pointSo, what is his reflection? Vampires can't normally be seen in a mirror and reflections don't have different personalities, talk back to you or dress differently. So, is his reflection a different dimension?
1 pointCrap, @gigi-tastic! My mom died on Christmas so I know what you're going through. All the hugs we can send!
1 pointI'm so sorry to hear this, gigi! My condolences!
1 pointSo sorry to hear that Gigi Bad films will be waiting for you when you return
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 pointI’m so sorry for your loss, @gigi-tastic. Take care.
1 point
1 point
1 pointSo I've done a search of this forum and did not see this so I am soooooo recommending this!!! I am watching it right now and it is just insane. All the 3 Ninjas movies are bad and deserve to be done, but this one is maybe the most insane. Just to give you all a taste: -The evil henchmen think nothing of full on assaulting and even trying to MURDER children. -At a pizza parlor, the henchmen out their hands on a little girl, shove her, throw her to the ground, pour beer all over her and this only gets them some mild stern looks from other adults. It's only 3 children that come to this girl's aid. -Said little girl decides that these 3 young boys are exactly who she needs to rescue her kidnapped father. -There's a Native American story that is handled about as tastefully as you would expect. -The 3 Ninjas are at one point dressed totally in Native American clothing and it feels way more offensive then when Zack Morris dressed as an Indian for his school project. I feel like I am watching a literal hate crime and I have 45 minutes left of this movie.
1 pointhttps://soundcloud.com/laustenfound/suburban-plugs-theme https://soundcloud.com/laustenfound/suburban-plugs-theme Thank you Mr. A.
1 pointThe graver kid on the poster for this movie instantly warned me away from watching this film when it came out. My roommate at the time went to go see and swore up-and-down that this was one of the best films she'd ever seen. She was also a huge Evanescence fan, so go figure...
1 pointOh, definitely want to vote this up, for the roller-coaster scene, for young Mark Wahlberg's absolutely insane-o performance, and the BEHEADED DOG! It's really slickly-directed with lots of talented actors, and it starts out seemingly a little sane, which makes the escalating craziness so much more entertaining.
1 pointGod bless girlfriends though. They always think you and their dad are a match made in heaven. "Please don't make me have to do this." "I dunno why you're being like this, my parents love you." "No, your mom just grudginly accepts me and your dad hates me." "Why would my dad hate you?" "Well...you know...<a couple hip thrusts>" "Haha, my dad is not thinking about that..." "What?! He totally is!"
1 pointHeh, you've probably reversed this on them unintentionally at some point. My GF's dad had recently got a blu-ray player and really nice LCD TV at the same point that criterion released a Blade Runner edition. Knowing that he was a sci-fi buff I purchased this for him. EVERYONE insisted this film could not be watched until we were all together. I have to add that they were a little 'born again': Me: "Heh, I don't remember there being this many bare breasts..." Everyone else squeezed into a couch for 2: <silence> Me: "That's so funny...I really didn't realize there were so many bare breasts in this film...<shove face in criterion box as I pretend to examine it> Worst night of my life, and I'm pretty sure my GF's parents think I'm a pervert. I kept thinking, 'OK, this is one scene in the criterion edition, and we aren't going to have anything else awkward while I'm rubbing elbows with my GF's mom...oh...we ARE...OK...sure, just yank your titties out irrelevant character...". I think I suggested several times that we turn the film off and do something else, but they were pretty adamant jerks about it: "Noooo, you got this FOR US. We should all watch it together. We don't have time for anything else because we need to get to bed as we have some sunday school classes to teach tomorrow..."
1 pointHonestly that movie was really good, critics just didn't really understand it so people never gave it a chance.
1 pointI'm embarrassed to admit this, but.....I liked that movie too. Maybe its because I was 14 when I saw it, but I found it funny as hell.
1 pointdisagree. That movie was for the most part funny as shit! There are so many lines from that movie that I still recite. "Your fucking fired Bob!!!!"
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