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  1. 3 points
    posting in case sean and hayes do something special for ep 300 and it doesnt seem like your valiant hero just came back last second to reap the rewards
  2. 3 points
    Thanks. But honestly, it feels pretty similar to the threads Dalton makes. I think it’s common for one to imitate their heroes when starting out. Hopefully I’ll be able to develop my own voice and really speak my truth. Even if the show does end before episode 300 (I am willing to bet large sums of money that it will) I will continue to post
  3. 2 points
    Say what you will about Millennials and our attention spans, but I'm pretty sure that we can enjoy watching fancy water skiing without also having Bavarian folk dancing and clowns rolling around in mud pits in the foreground. I honestly have no idea what type of show the guests were supposed to be watching.
  4. 2 points
    There is a deep dark secret hidden in this movie, and that Shelby is an alcoholic. The evidence is staring us in the face. Fact! When he's missing in the morning his boss assumes he's hungover in bed. Fact! When Kay asks what's wrong Mike says he's AWOL again. He has a history of going missing. Fact! He's He's desperate for overtime pay. He's a man that needs money by why does he need money so bad. Fact! Among his personal effects given to Mike are a stack of pawn tickets. Why is he pawning so much stuff? Again his need for money. Why does he need money so bad? Because he's slowly drinking himself to death. Frequently hungover and missing, hard up on cash, this is all evidence to his drunken benders. Let's face the fact, why would Shelby go at night to look at the fence? He didn't clock in he was doing and wasn't doing it for overtime pay so why was he there? Because he's drunk on the job! He realized that he couldn't remember if he correctly fixed the problem or not so he went back to try to hide his possible botched drunk work. In classic horror fashion the drunk or druggie has to be killed. Poor, Shelby.
  5. 2 points
    Correction: Someone asked if all the scenes take place in Sea World and there was at least one that was not (maybe two if we consider that the bar is probably not in Sea World) There is an early scene where we see Mike, Kay, and Sean in their kitchen. This scene is hilarious to me for a few reasons. 1. The rad 80s wallpaper. 2. The serious product placement (Wheaties, Tropicana, Dunkin Donuts) 3. Kay walks in the kitchen yawning and states "Some guys can sleep in in the morning. Some of us have to be at work early." as she passes Mike and Sean already having breakfast... so who exactly is sleeping in? Clearly Kay is the last one up and no one is "sleeping in." Way to shame people for no fucking reason, Kay.
  6. 1 point
    Obviously this is a movie on Alcoholism! I don't know if there isn't a scene from the trailer ( Which shows half the movie for no reason) that doesn't involve people drinking.
  7. 1 point
    The fact that he's not willing to give it out willy nilly just further proves my case against Shelby. He wasn't denying his men overtime he was denying Shelby overtime. When asked if they can get it done Shelby's response was "for overtime maybe." Not "Yes, but we'll have to workovertime" or something compromising. Rather an ultimatum of overtime or nothing. To which Dennis Quaid responses "You've got enough overtime." I read this as he's a good boss who's been helping out his alcoholic employee by floating him overtime now and again. He can't afford to give him anymore overtime. Why does this diver maintenance crew have so much overtime to begin with? Because Mike Brody is a nice guy and been helping them out. Shelby has taken advantage of this and is now abusing it like he is abusing alcohol and Mike is trying his best to help. If he just keeps giving out overtime eventually Calvin will clamp down on it, and there will be no overtime for anyone!
  8. 1 point
    Shiver me timbers, me timber for a day. Teach me to shiver, me timber for life.
  9. 1 point
    Considering that they apparently allow their employees the full run of the park at night so they can fuck in the lagoon and get into other zany hijinks, I'm going to guess that security wasn't exactly one of Sea World's primary concerns.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I think Space Jam is a huge cultural touchstone for a small window of people probably born between 1982 and 1992. Everyone in that age range seems to have loved it. Everyone outside of that age range was kind of not interested. My recollection is that everyone wearing Looney Tunes shirts had faded out among my age group by the time Space Jam came out. But maybe Space Jam brought that back and I never noticed (or it was more of a middle school thing and I was a too cool high school student then). As for Avatar, fuck that whole movie. I think people forget that no one really knew how it would be received before it came out. I watched it the day before it got released and my boss asked me about it. I genuinely told him I thought it wouldn't do very well. I think we can all see that I was right and that it wouldn't go on to be the biggest box office hit of all time.
  12. 1 point
    Here's what I still don't get and I don't think I ever will, what's the deal with this park? So they have a man made lagoon. They say that a few times. So in this lagoon in the middle they have the underwater haunted house, Spanish Gallon, coral, etc. The idea is to observe the fish, so it's full of fish as well. First this is a wacky idea because with such a large lagoon how can you assure the fish are going to be visible, also with so many small fish and a very open and lose gating system what are the chances they escape out to sea? However, the weirdest thing to me is this place seems to have tons of beaches to swim at, bumper boats to ride, ski shows to watch, etc. but these are all in that man made lagoon as well. You pay to go into a park to a private beach at a man made lagoon where there are hundreds of fish swimming about? Is that the selling point? You *might* swim with dolphins provided it's their play time. If not why not just go to a regular beach that is free? What's the point?
  13. 1 point
    OMG! My grade four teacher was obsessed with that book. We had to read it in class and we did so many Egyptian related crafts and projects. We even mummified a chicken at one point. Believe me when you start telling people "I mummified a chicken in grade four" you get a lot of people slowly backing away and judging.
  14. 1 point
    I don't recall any kissing disasters, but I too used to pour myself a drink after school and pretend it was an adult beverage. Like apple juice in a cold beer glass, grape juice in the wine glasses, and Sprite with an olive and toothpick in a small tumbler because we didn't have anything close to a martini glass. There were construction paper cigarettes too. Much worse, I used to take a big plastic tumbler and fill it with strawberry soda- my stand-in for a goblet of goat's blood- and then kneel in front of my window for a tribute to Zeus.
  15. 1 point
    This might explain why when his girlfriend brings Mike his belongings (because she's kicking him out of her place - he does not have his own place to live) she brings a SINGLE dufflebag that really didn't seem that full. Only one counter argument: Them sweet abs.
  16. 1 point
    My favorite part of the Coral Thief Murders was after Jaws ate them, he ate their boat - thus destroying the evidence! It was pretty much the perfect crime...
  17. 1 point
    Am I the only one ho thinks SPACE JAM was culturally relevant? I am on board with the dismissal of AVATAR. I don’t know if the remake will capture this, but there as this moment in the 90s where kids wore shirts and such Loony Tunes characters with baggy pants and backward caps. I think it started as parody, and then WB embraced it. Which is why it’s about basketball and the soundtrack is all rap and R&B. (I was very sad to delete the soundtrack from my iPod because of the R Kelly connection.) I don’t think it is the Looney Tunes that people really watch for? Like that is fine for kids, but older people like the music and the basketball?
  18. 1 point
    This movie and the way Dennis Quaid and others tend to throw caution playfully to the wind and jump into the water fully clothed makes me nostalgic for a time when one might hurl oneself wantonly into a pool or body of water without regards for things like cellphones. Such whimsy tends to be expensive these days.
  19. 1 point
    I never thought I would have a Childhood Story like Paul! I also tried to French kiss my mom when I was in kindergarten because my babysitter had been watching something and I thought I had been kissing my mom goodbye wrong . Unlike Paul *I* instantly realized my mom was not here for it so I turned it into a fish kiss by doing that thing where you suck in your cheeks like a little fishy mouth. Apparently fish kisses aren't that great either. That was an awkward drop off. I can't wait to talk about this brand new formerly repressed memory in therapy next week. Thanks Paul!
  20. 1 point
    For those who remember my strong suspicion of dolphins from The Meg an update on humanity's hubris and my growing belief that the dolphins will be how our species meets its end: Earlier this year a Beluga Whale was found with a Russian GoPro strapped to it off the coast of Norway that *might* have been spy / escaped from a Russian naval base in the region. ( It was discovered when it kept going to boats asking for fish and trying to play fetch) Which is bonkers in and of itself. The Russian rebuttal though ! "Interviewed by Russian broadcaster Govorit Moskva, Col Viktor Baranets said "if we were using this animal for spying do you really think we'd attach a mobile phone number with the message 'please call this number'?" "We have military dolphins for combat roles, we don't cover that up," he said. "In Sevastopol (in Crimea) we have a centre for military dolphins, trained to solve various tasks, from analysing the seabed to protecting a stretch of water, killing foreign divers, attaching mines to the hulls of foreign ships." The dolphin facility in Crimea used to be under Ukrainian control, but was seized by the Russian navy in 2014, when Russian forces took over the peninsula. " https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48090616 So now I have to worry about KILLER MILITARY DOLPHINS WHO KNOW HOW TO ATTACH BOMBS Truly dolphins are the monsters of the deep we don't have to make them worse!
  21. 1 point
    I'd love to think that the shark just sucked the meat off the bone like a damn chicken wing.
  22. 1 point
    Speaking of these guys, this is dumb as hell, but I totally thought that the skeleton Kay and Mike come across was one of the coral bandits. They have the same hat. I just couldn't figure out how the shark picked the bones clean. On my rewatch I caught Mike saying the skeleton was a part of the pirate ship attraction, but since they never came across the bodies of our dudes at any point in the movie I like to pretend that Mike just thought that was a fake skeleton.
  23. 1 point
    Yes totally agree! One of my fav eps for that reason, such a relaxed bud chat about frenching mums, pizza orders for "Tall" and bum bags!
  24. 1 point
    Oh, also, regarding June’s question about dolphins “raping” humans. I don’t think we can really use the term rape. Dolphins ado have sex for pleasure and they are aggressive and form gangs. (Yeah, that’s right, dolphin gangs—it’s the next West Side Story). But... while I agree that dolphins are little shits that always have their dicks out, I don’t think they understand human notions of consent. If they did, that would make a crazy horror movie. Way scarier than Jaws. But, still, I never want to go to those “swim with dolphins” events. One of my coworkers showed me a family picture and we were laughing because it’s like a happy couple with a dolphin but the dolphin’s penis is clearly out. Animals are just being animals. People are stupid.
  25. 1 point
    "Everybody loves a good apocalypse story..." ...except Jessica St. Clair
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