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  1. 3 points
    posting in case sean and hayes do something special for ep 300 and it doesnt seem like your valiant hero just came back last second to reap the rewards
  2. 3 points
    Thanks. But honestly, it feels pretty similar to the threads Dalton makes. I think it’s common for one to imitate their heroes when starting out. Hopefully I’ll be able to develop my own voice and really speak my truth. Even if the show does end before episode 300 (I am willing to bet large sums of money that it will) I will continue to post
  3. 2 points
    I found this while searching for more images of Shelby Overman: Folk Hero. Topps apparently released trading cards for this movie and it’s maybe the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.
  4. 2 points
    Say what you will about Millennials and our attention spans, but I'm pretty sure that we can enjoy watching fancy water skiing without also having Bavarian folk dancing and clowns rolling around in mud pits in the foreground. I honestly have no idea what type of show the guests were supposed to be watching.
  5. 2 points
    There is a deep dark secret hidden in this movie, and that Shelby is an alcoholic. The evidence is staring us in the face. Fact! When he's missing in the morning his boss assumes he's hungover in bed. Fact! When Kay asks what's wrong Mike says he's AWOL again. He has a history of going missing. Fact! He's He's desperate for overtime pay. He's a man that needs money by why does he need money so bad. Fact! Among his personal effects given to Mike are a stack of pawn tickets. Why is he pawning so much stuff? Again his need for money. Why does he need money so bad? Because he's slowly drinking himself to death. Frequently hungover and missing, hard up on cash, this is all evidence to his drunken benders. Let's face the fact, why would Shelby go at night to look at the fence? He didn't clock in he was doing and wasn't doing it for overtime pay so why was he there? Because he's drunk on the job! He realized that he couldn't remember if he correctly fixed the problem or not so he went back to try to hide his possible botched drunk work. In classic horror fashion the drunk or druggie has to be killed. Poor, Shelby.
  6. 2 points
    Correction: Someone asked if all the scenes take place in Sea World and there was at least one that was not (maybe two if we consider that the bar is probably not in Sea World) There is an early scene where we see Mike, Kay, and Sean in their kitchen. This scene is hilarious to me for a few reasons. 1. The rad 80s wallpaper. 2. The serious product placement (Wheaties, Tropicana, Dunkin Donuts) 3. Kay walks in the kitchen yawning and states "Some guys can sleep in in the morning. Some of us have to be at work early." as she passes Mike and Sean already having breakfast... so who exactly is sleeping in? Clearly Kay is the last one up and no one is "sleeping in." Way to shame people for no fucking reason, Kay.
  7. 1 point
    Which seems to be ok because it's still evading me. I might have lost it in a move, I think I got it for my 16th birthday along with a bunch of Audrey Hepburn movies so it's been around for a while. I was really into old Hollywood at the time.
  8. 1 point
    Grab the latest copy of Spy Magazine, and meet me in Newport, Rhode Island because we're watching : It's Grace Kelly's last film before she became the Princess of Monaco and I was OBSESSED with it as a teenager . It's a musical remake of The Philadelphia Story. I'm a big enough person to say that The Philadelphia Story is the better movie but this is still fun and utterly insane when it comes to the cast. It's TOTALLY plausible Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly were a thing you guys! Also Frank Sinatra is here?
  9. 1 point
    There were a few things that bothered me about the initial hunt for Baby Shark. First of all, I had a real issue with them hunting for the shark at night. I really didn’t feel like that was a fantastic idea. It's a fenced in lagoon. It's not like it's going anywhere. Also, according to the website Sharks-World, Great Whites are active both day and night, so it wasn't like this was a particularly strategic time of day to go after it. The only argument I could think of was that they didn't want to have to shut down the park to hunt for it during the day, but then I remembered that this was all occurring during a special Preview week and the park was only open to "friends and family." So, it's not like the park would be losing any money if it shut down for a couple of hours to take care of a legitimate safety concern. In fact, you could say ironing out the parks kinks - like maybe taking care of a ten foot Murder shark - is precisely the reason to have a Preview week in the first place. Another thing that bothered me is when one of the the people on the boat is handing Dr Kathryn the tranquilizer to subdue the shark, he tells her that the dosage is a "guesstimate." Motherfucker, I'm about to swim around in the dark looking forward baby shark that wants me dead. Don't give me your bull shit portmanteaus! I want real science delivered to me like a goddamn professional! Finally, did anyone else notice that Mike pushes Kathryn into the water by fully face palming her? Look, I'm scared. I don't know if I'm going to come back from this or not (she nearly doesn't). I don't know if the last thing I want to remember about my S.O. before I die is the thought of their shit eating grin as they shove their hand in my face and push me into an inky black lagoon of death. I mean, maybe he's just trying to keep it loose, but given the situation, I'm sure an "I love you, be careful" wouldn't have been totally unwelcome.
  10. 1 point
    Oh, she's well aware of this.
  11. 1 point
    "I'm just trying to read the logo" the classic excuse of the man caught staring. (Also, I'm very sorry. Mrs. H, your husband is a stand up guy and was trying to help a poor confused man. He only has eyes for you.... and Ryan Kwanten)
  12. 1 point
    I think they're just dividers. There's a logo on one that says, "PrivaSEA." Guests can probably rent them or something to separate themselves from the riff raff. (Incidentally, I was checking this on my lap top while sitting next to my wife. The whole scene is pretty dimly and the logo lit right behind Lea Thompson as she's removing her clothes. I had to pause the shot to read the logo and now I'm being accused of "perving out." Thanks, man.)
  13. 1 point
    Oh a good choice! I just was happy to get my grubby mitts on anything and everything Greco Roman and Egyptian myth related. I'm not sure that the same people who are into Lola Bunny would be Na'vi enthusiasts . They give off two very different energies. I do know that as a kid I appreciated Lola because she was the only girl Loony Toon besides Petunia Pig, Babs Bunny , and the poor cat that Pepe Le Pew harassed that I knew.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I had that book too. Edith Hamilton's Mythology was like my ancient tome though; I carried it everywhere as if I could conjure the Gods and creatures inside. I wonder what the crossover rate is for people into Lola Bunny and those into the Na'vi. So they didn't have any security cameras in those underwater tunnels, did they? There's an underwater shot from a camera pointed at the tunnels, and one pointed at the outside of one of the filtration tanks, but nothing for inside the tunnels. That, like so much else, seems like a terrible idea. Did they have any security at the park?
  16. 1 point
    I don't feel it's that uncommon for people to take past trauma and turn it into career ambitions ... kids with infirmities becoming doctors, kids suffering abuse becoming counselors, kids whose parents were murdered becoming Batman, etc.
  17. 1 point
    I think the star of the movie is the guy with the “let a gargoyle sit on your face” shirt.
  18. 1 point
    “Days of Wine And Roses And Sharks”
  19. 1 point
    Am I the only one ho thinks SPACE JAM was culturally relevant? I am on board with the dismissal of AVATAR. I don’t know if the remake will capture this, but there as this moment in the 90s where kids wore shirts and such Loony Tunes characters with baggy pants and backward caps. I think it started as parody, and then WB embraced it. Which is why it’s about basketball and the soundtrack is all rap and R&B. (I was very sad to delete the soundtrack from my iPod because of the R Kelly connection.) I don’t think it is the Looney Tunes that people really watch for? Like that is fine for kids, but older people like the music and the basketball?
  20. 1 point
    The weird thing is they actually did try to teach dolphins to speak English/ learn Dolphin. Funding was partly secured by NASA and it's one of the more infamous projects from the 60's. I mean it had people giving dolphins LSD, the much talked about dolphin handjobs from a pretty young woman who had turned her lab into her home and physically lives there, and sadly the story also had tragedy as the most well known dolphin Peter committed suicide after the lab shut down according to what I've read. It's understandable why it was a sensational story. The Guardian had a pretty good article on it and I know Drunk History covered it https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/08/the-dolphin-who-loved-me
  21. 1 point
    Also, Jason DOES look pretty cool on a jet ski....
  22. 1 point
    I'm a kid of the 80s and I saw Jaws 3D when I was fairly young (on TV) but the movie I saw way more was The Muppets Take Manhatten and it only occurred to me this evening that since Manhatten came out in 1984, this scene is totally a homage to Jaws 3D.
  23. 1 point
    Yeah, about that ... isn't the lagoon man-made? The thieves say something about the lagoon having "the good stuff" that sells in Miami, but what kind of reef can grow that fast in a man-made lagoon? Does this even make sense? Also, it makes me think of Dr. No and how Honey Ryder goes to Crab Key to collect conch shells to sell in Miami. Exactly how thriving is Miami's slightly illicit sealife selling industry?
  24. 1 point
    Oh, also, regarding June’s question about dolphins “raping” humans. I don’t think we can really use the term rape. Dolphins ado have sex for pleasure and they are aggressive and form gangs. (Yeah, that’s right, dolphin gangs—it’s the next West Side Story). But... while I agree that dolphins are little shits that always have their dicks out, I don’t think they understand human notions of consent. If they did, that would make a crazy horror movie. Way scarier than Jaws. But, still, I never want to go to those “swim with dolphins” events. One of my coworkers showed me a family picture and we were laughing because it’s like a happy couple with a dolphin but the dolphin’s penis is clearly out. Animals are just being animals. People are stupid.
  25. 1 point
    Paul mentioned the early 80s resurgence of 3D in the 80s. It started with Friday the 13th Part III (IN 3D!). Paul said the other big 3D movie he remembers seeing was Dreamscape. But Dreamscape wasn't a 3D movie, so I don't know what Paul saw in the theaters. There were a ton of 3D movies to chose from (Spacehunter, Metalstorm, Treasure of the Four Crowns), but I'm not sure how any of those could be confused with Dreamscape. Maybe Paul is conflating Jaws 3D scenes with Dreamscape because they both star Dennis Quad? Was this 3D version of Dreamscape preceded by an animated short of the Bernstein Bears? As for Jaws 3D, this was played a lot on cable when I was a kid (never saw it in the theater). I always thought it was cheesy and boring. But just a few years ago, I bought a 3D blu-ray of the movie and found it extremely entertaining. The bad composites and weird camera angles work great in 3D. The 3D actually hides the bad special effects, and in the restored movie, a lot of the beach shots are quite stunning in 3D. The movie knows it is a B-movie and has some of the most fun, intentionally gratuitous 3D effects you'll find in a movie. Most of the gags and composite shots (like the shark coming at the glass) look completely dumb in 2D, but in 3D they work. It's a great popcorn movie to watch with friends just to see who will jump at stuff coming at the screen. The opening titles alone will make most people duck. It's a guilty pleasure
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