This is another guilty pleasure that I own (along with Super Mario Bros., Sleepaway Camp, and Judge Dredd) that for some reason I find entertaining. It is an interesting enough premise where profilers are trying to read each other to see who is a killer and the deaths are interesting and new for a whodunnit horror movie, but this thing is weighed down by the cheese factor that Slater, Kilmer, and J bring to the movie.
And this movie further pushes the idea that LL Cool J must have a clause in his contracts that states that he can't die in movies, outside of Rollerball (another movie that should be done on the show). He has survived being bitten by giant smart-sharks, shot in the head, and in this movie he apparently has his neck broken by falling onto steel steps, only to get up and save the day at the last minute and give a cheesy one liner: "Now we know what his weakness is, bullets."
Christian Slater and Val Kilmer fall into the category of stars who have crap movies but fall under that heavy shadow cast by Cage, Pacino, and Stallone.