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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Elder Stargrove doesnโ€™t know his left from his right.
  2. 1 point
    This 1996 film directed by James Foley (Glengarry Glen Ross) and starring Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg is an underrated terrible movie. It's also a thoroughly enjoyable watch with the standout scene containing what a friend of mine affectionately refers to as "RCFF." This blog post says it all if you need more convincing. http://coloradosmovieblog.blogspot.com/2008/12/roller-coaster-of-love.html?zx=d1a5e3ab5cf1e98a
  3. 1 point
    Loved the movie, loved the episode. As for the incinerator Vanity was tortured in, it appears to a brickyard facility, so it was an industrial kiln used to cure clay into bricks. So... 1: the temperature dial would not go by 100's as bricks are fired 1200 Celsius, roughly 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. 2: the human body shuts down at about 250 degree and at 700, she would be on fire, the metal table would be glowing red as would the cuffs holding her down And, probably the most baffling 3: why would someone install a two-way intercom in an oven?
  4. 1 point
    I want to do a podcast all about pogs. But it is NOT ALLOWED to be called a Pogcast.
  5. 1 point
    This movie was on, muted, when I was getting a manicure and even with no sound, I teared up a bit. I tried really hard not to look at the screen.
  6. 1 point
    They also started a thread about how unattractive Stanwyck is, for what its worth. But yea... the 'baby's are awesome. One key to understanding the best noir... is it's funny as hell. That's how I take the 'baby's. It is a simple character trait and has its purpose for sure, but it's also REALLY funny. Besides that, it's a cheap connection between two basically strangers to fake intimacy. I think it should be clear here, in this movie especially, that every word and line is intentional. It's there for a reason. Anyway, I had not seen Double Indemnity before and I LOVED it. Everything. As a Coen Brothers diehard, I felt like I was watching their favorite movie. The dry humor, the incredible dialogue, the cool plot, the femme fatale, all of it. I probably could trace something in every Coen movie back to this film. As a viewer, I felt like I'd been perfectly trained for a noir like this because of them. Paul at the end mentioned that next week's Singin' In The Rain is a good companion for Double Indemnity, but I actually think All About Eve was a great pair for it. (Maybe all three are a good menage a trois?) The dialogue, deep allusions, rewatchability, questionable motives, just the vaguely pulpy fun. And while I was slower to get my head around Eve than this one, seeing these two really made me glad I'm doing this endeavor in catching up on film history.
  7. 1 point
    @Sam. please don't fall into the trap of feeling like you need to talk more to prove you're better than the other engineers. This is a ploy Sean and Hayes use to make sure they're the only ones that come off as likable. You're already the only good one left.
  8. 1 point
    First Earwolf podcast to have Seeso's Da Shrink on in almost a year. So bend over and suck on deez Obscure!
  9. 1 point
    This was so fuckin good. 3 new characters that all hit it out of the park, that's rare. Has to be a top ten, was belly laughing from all 3 of them.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    William Petersen can't escape this podcast. Either for this, The Skulls or MullHolland Falls.
  12. 1 point
    BUMP! They need to do this movie. I saw it in the theater with my then-girlfriend and her friends and I guess one of their friends' moms [or something?]. Even then at the age of fifteen, I knew it was TERRIBLE!
  13. 1 point
    Roller coaster... enough said.
  14. 1 point
    I have a feeling that they're not going to do this movie. They passed on doing The Happening and have ignored Dreamcatcher, both of which feature a Wahlberg. I think Paul is in the pocket of big Wahlburger.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I joined just to reccomend this movie. We used to watch in repeatedly in college and laugh at so much of it. There are some of the worst editing mistakes I've ever seen in a movie. When Grisham hangs up the phone angrily, it cuts to a different take, mid-slam and the cord is across his body where it wasn't before. And, of course, Nicole 4 eva!!!! Check this one out. I remember it being so bad it was good but that was when I was 20. It might now be anywhere near as much material to pull apart like Birdemic or Pluto Nash but I remember thinking it was hilariously terrible.
  17. 1 point
    Oh, definitely want to vote this up, for the roller-coaster scene, for young Mark Wahlberg's absolutely insane-o performance, and the BEHEADED DOG! It's really slickly-directed with lots of talented actors, and it starts out seemingly a little sane, which makes the escalating craziness so much more entertaining.
  18. 1 point
    Just out of curiosity I Googled the trailer and what the hell is this Um this might be a good choice, although there is a zero % chance I'm going to watch it
  19. 1 point
    if everyone wants to fuck their brother and everyone wants to kill Engineer Cody, then Cody's brother must get rowdy as hell at family reunions - a famous logic argument from Lewis Carroll
  20. 1 point
    I don't really know enough about any of them to make a big decision like this. I could really only answer confidently if I'd spent time living with them, so maybe a better question for me is FMK my mom, my dad, and my brother. F my brother, obviously, 'cuz he's very attractive (and married which only makes it hotter lol I'm so bad), M my mom 'cuz she's a giving person and I can tell she cares about me a lot, K my dad because he has a bit of an attitude problem.
  21. 1 point
    U Talkin U2 To Me? Hmm, how bout U Fuckin Too Stupid To Book Guests
  22. 1 point
    God bless girlfriends though. They always think you and their dad are a match made in heaven. "Please don't make me have to do this." "I dunno why you're being like this, my parents love you." "No, your mom just grudginly accepts me and your dad hates me." "Why would my dad hate you?" "Well...you know...<a couple hip thrusts>" "Haha, my dad is not thinking about that..." "What?! He totally is!"
  23. 1 point
    Heh, you've probably reversed this on them unintentionally at some point. My GF's dad had recently got a blu-ray player and really nice LCD TV at the same point that criterion released a Blade Runner edition. Knowing that he was a sci-fi buff I purchased this for him. EVERYONE insisted this film could not be watched until we were all together. I have to add that they were a little 'born again': Me: "Heh, I don't remember there being this many bare breasts..." Everyone else squeezed into a couch for 2: <silence> Me: "That's so funny...I really didn't realize there were so many bare breasts in this film...<shove face in criterion box as I pretend to examine it> Worst night of my life, and I'm pretty sure my GF's parents think I'm a pervert. I kept thinking, 'OK, this is one scene in the criterion edition, and we aren't going to have anything else awkward while I'm rubbing elbows with my GF's mom...oh...we ARE...OK...sure, just yank your titties out irrelevant character...". I think I suggested several times that we turn the film off and do something else, but they were pretty adamant jerks about it: "Noooo, you got this FOR US. We should all watch it together. We don't have time for anything else because we need to get to bed as we have some sunday school classes to teach tomorrow..."
  24. 1 point
    Plus you get to see Alyssa Milano in one of the few theatrical appearances she did post-"Who's the Boss" and pre-"Charmed", as well as William Petersen pre-"CSI" and Amy Brenneman pre-"Judging Amy".
  25. 1 point
    For some reason, my parents took me to see Fear in theaters when it came out. At 10 years old, I was way too young, so it was instantly my favorite movie. It look me a long time to realize just how awful it technically is, but it's a gloriously fun watch, and I'd kill to hear the HDTGM crew rip it apart.
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