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  1. 3 points
    I wish I could remember what the first episode of HDTGM I listened to was. It might be BATMAN AND ROBIN. I know I posted on social media excited when hey did DAREDEVIL (shut up, I like comic book movies) so it was definitely before that. I think the first time I commented on the forums was CONFESSIONS OF A MARRIAGE COUNSELOR. I think it's more fun now that I post on the forums. It's interactive and whatever! I don't know about favorites. I would often listen to old episodes when I was anxious. And I said so on the forums and when the paywall went up other forum posters we're like offering me their saved episodes on the DL which was very sweet. (After I had posted about a recent hospitalization for PTSD.) I thought it was kind of funny. "Are you okay? Do you want my copy of the BLOODSPORT episode?" I don't know about favorite catch phrases either. I like Paul's Blockbuster stories and Jason's Harry Potter references (especially since I work in children's publishing). I do find myself saying things like "that was wild" (tm Nicole Byer), "so upsetting" and "what is happening right now?". It made me wonder if other regular listeners have started using HDTGM verbiage. I even saw a friend who lives in Italy mention Stellar Skateboard. She didn't know about the podcast but had seen that name on Wikipedia and adopted it. (As anyone I am friends with would IMMEDIATELY do.) I was pleased.
  2. 3 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? My first episode of HDTGM was Punisher: War Zone. Years after this movie's theatrical release, I was curious-enough to watch this gonzo action film. After doing so, I scoured the Internet for more information on it and stumbled upon the HDTGM episode with Patton Oswalt and director Lexi Alexander. I was hooked on this show--the first I have actually ever listened to--instantly. From there, both my wife and I started devouring all of the back episodes between the weeks when new episodes would appear. My wife, Amy, now listens to a wide range of podcasts (My Favorite Murder, James Bonding, The Dollup, Myths and Legends, Sordid Details, Do You Need A Ride?, etc, etc.), and her listening habits/fandom can be directly attributed back to HDTGM. When Patton Oswalt came to Powell's Books here in Portland to promote his book, Silver Screen Fiend, my wife and I asked him to sign a DVD copy of Punisher: War Zone (which he graciously did) and we thanked him for essentially introducing us to this wonderful podcast that has been a huge part of our lives. Favorite catchphrase? "Hello people of Earth." While "What's up, jerks" and What's it's mission?!?" are great catchphrases, Paul's "Hello people of Earth" will always be my favorite. This is going to sound cheesy, but Paul's introduction makes me feel, as a listener, included in on this wonderful thing only my fellow bad movie-loving misfits know about and enjoy. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) The one moment from an episode that comes immediately to mind is from the Batman and Robin episode where Jessie Falcon does the imitation of the X-Men movie producer: "They will be on snowboards, claw fighting the entire way down." The episode you revisit the most I bring this episode up quite a bit, but hands-down my favorite is 88 Minutes. This episode is nothing but wall-to-wall jokes, laughter and spot-on insight into an insane (and insanely re-watchable) movie. Pete Holmes laughter is infectious, and his Al Pacino impression ("Give me your fuckin' phone, you cock sucker!") is absolutely amazing. This episode (much like this week's, Action Jackson) is so much fun to listen to. It's one I definitely go back to when I need a comedy pick-me-up. The movie that you loved or hated watching Van Helsing. I both loved and hated this movie. I remember only watching the first couple of minutes of this movie when it first came out on home video and turning it off about 10 minutes in: the campy acting and trite action movie plot were too much for me at the time. Thankfully, when it was announced for HDTGM, I watched it from beginning to end with my wife, who was absolutely giddy at the film's sheer a awfulness. Seeing her enjoy the insane plot contrivances, blistering CGI and over-the-top hammy acting made watching this film so much fun. My wife's pretty much the best bad movie watching partner in the world. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine I have Fridays off from work, which is when new episode and minisodes usually land. While I'm straightening up the house, doing laundry and generally getting shit done, HDTGM is beaming either from my TV or through my earbuds. When there is a particular movie I really want to comment on, I'll sit down and take the time to craft observations I hope Paul, June, Jason, and the message board will hopefully find entertaining, funny and not a complete waste of their time. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff  This is going to sound sappy as all get out, but HDTGM is like family to my wife and me. We've spent seven years listening to this show, and it never fails to entertain us or lift our spirits when we're down. Not to give away to much of the store, but I suffer from depression (anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks, etc) and I've been slowly learning how to positively navigate my way through it all. HDTGM plays a huge part in helping me tackle my depression. When I lost my sister in 2014, and my mom was diagnosed with cancer a year ago (she's recovering now), I'd listen to old episode of HDTGM to get me through. I don't know Paul, Jason or June personally, but I love, admire and respect them as if I did. That old cliche about people you'd want to get a beer with? It totally applies here. This show has been there for me when I needed it most, helping me to realize the world is a great place with wonderful, talented and like-minded people in it. Our fellow fans on the message board are an absolutely delightful and intelligent group of compatriots, and my wife and I look forward to their hilarious insights and observations each week. Thankfully, there's no troll-like shittiness there: just people who love bad movie as much as my we do. HDTGM means quite a bit to us. If the show ever makes it's way up to Portland, there will be two goofy fans up here waiting to welcome you guys with open arms (arms we promise not to utilize to grab the mic during the audience Q & A). Thank you Paul, Jason, June, the crew, and the message board for making HDTGM one of the absolute best things in the world!
  3. 3 points
    I love these two hidden gems... 1. During one of the man / woman scenes on the street, you can see posters for Predator along the wall: 2) After being pick-pocketed, we see Action Jackson's wallet stating he was born in 1938. Wow! The filmakers made a conscious effort to say Jericho is 50 yo? Where was the "I'm getting too old for this shit" comment? 3) On a side note, here is a handy chart to show all the crossover actors who appeared in this movie, but also Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Commando and Predator. As I call this film... It's the Kevin Bacon of 80s Action Films.
  4. 2 points
    I have an observation that may fill in a mentioned plot hole. So when Action Jackson goes looking for Papa Doc he goes into this bar or pool hall type place. We see many customers playing pool and drinking at the bar as well as another bartender on staff. Yet after being sucker bottled and knocked out we see the bartender and his crew awaken Jackson in the bar pool hall now entirely empty. But wait I can hear you now "Cam Bert, we saw Vanity come through a set of doors, clearly this was some sort of backroom." Fair point if not for the fact the entire scene takes places with the stairs they entered and exited from present in the background the entire scene! Now this is where the plot hole gets filled in. Action Jackson is knocked out. Then the bartender goes back into the main room and slowly starts closing up shop telling the customers they have to go for some reason or another. The other staff knows the drill and leaves during this process as well. However just prior to this Vanity free of Action Jackson and still craving heroin meets Billy from Predator in the bar. When she asks him where she can score. He takes her into a back room to conduct a little transaction. Billy mentions that if she needs another fix he's got a place at the hotel where she happens to be staying as well. However before she can complete the deal and shoot up she hears the commotion of everybody leaving and hides in the backroom. Billy knows better than to mess with these testicle fetishists so he leaves and goes back to the hotel. Shortly after the rest of the hot dog time crew shows up and starts in on Action. Vanity can't stand by any more and bursts from the backroom to save Jackson. The rest of the movie plays out as normal. This is why later when Jackson goes to the hairdresser to get some exposition she knows that Billy is also in the hotel and seeks him out to the fix she was denied earlier. Plot hole resolved.
  5. 2 points
    Loved this movie! Love Vanity! Everything she touches is gold. I grew up watching The Last Dragon on a seemingly endless loop and have been in love with her ever since. We can add Roger Ebert to our Vanity fan club. I don't agree with Ebert's review, overall (obviously), but he's spot on regarding Vanity. ETA: For your re-watching pleasure, Action Jackson is currently free (with ads) on Vudu.
  6. 2 points
    I need to find all the episodes that have Paul's Childhood Moments because they are GOLD. I know that the Little Buddy one is from one of the Chicago shows . I think it's Striptease. Can you guys think about any other great Paul Childhood Moments? I still love that he and his mom watched Bratz together.
  7. 2 points
    Ha! I actually just listened to this last night... Reindeer Games, begins around 5:15
  8. 2 points
    This has happened to me twice. The odd laugh every now and again sure but twice to the point of having to get off the train at the wrong stop because I look like a madman just cackling away. Once was the infamous Sleepaway Camp episode the second was Todd Glass's trying to identify U2 songs on "Are You Two Talking U2 to Me?"
  9. 2 points
    Yes, it is possible to jump over a car:
  10. 2 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? I think the first episode I listened to was Theodore Rex and the first episode I joined in on the forums was the Star Wars Holiday Special. Favorite catchphrase? Before it was run into the ground - is this a Jacob's Ladder situation? A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ;)) – Two moments come to mind. The View To a Kill episode (around 54:30) - the gang goes into a riff about the guys who make the models and maps for super villains. And then Matt Gourley chimes in at the end saying that he has yet to see a flaw in this movie. Second, I can’t remember the episode, but I love Paul’s anecdote about how he once tried to French kiss his mother. If anyone remembers the episode, please let me know! The episode you revisit the most – I don’t revisit any of the episodes (too much new content to keep up with), but I have relistened to the PFT episodes. The movie that you loved or hated watching – I thank HDTGM for introducing me to Miami Connection and hate HDTGM for introducing me to Garbage Pail Kids. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine – I listen to the episode on my commutes and try not to burst into laughter on public transportation. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff - I'm thankful that the show introduced me to the special community here. I was introduced to HDTGM by my trainer at the time, who recommended HDTGM and Joe Rogan’s podcast. Imagine how different things could’ve turned out for me if I had gotten hooked to Joe Rogan’s podcast instead?
  11. 2 points
    Sorry, we're only doing observations for this episode
  12. 2 points
    Congrats and thanks for 200 episodes! HDTGM is a true source of joy. My question is what was Coach's original assassination plan for the president of the AWA? When he is having lunch with him to set up the party and the assassination he has no idea that Action Jackson will be involved and he'll have him as the fall guy. So Coach thought the best place to murder someone is at his house with tons of witnesses and no one to frame? In regards to the pickpocket taking Jackson's wallet the best I can come up with is that Jackson needed to be without his wallet for the weird pool hall scene because those guys would have searched him and found out he was a cop and then the "he's my touched in the head brother" rescue wouldn't have worked. That is me doing a lot of work for the movie though. They should have added an ADR line from a pool hall goon saying "we didn't find evidence to contradict your story" to Vanity. I had to go back and re-listen to the Action Boyz episode about Action Jackson to make sure I wasn't accidentally repeating their points. For anyone who doesn't know about Action Boyz I think it would appeal to a lot of HDTGM fans. It is three guys (Jon Gabrus, Ryan Stanger, Ben Rodgers) breaking down classic action movies. They do it in a more beat by beat way than HDTGM but with plenty of hilarious detours along the way. It is a Patreon podcast so it isn't free but there are some free episodes in the High and Mighty podcast feed to check out. I think it is great but fair warning Jason would not be the Jason of this group if you catch my meaning so it won't be for everyone.
  13. 1 point
    That's interesting. It just seems like such a weird criteria. Like I said before, sure they make for interesting stories, but ultimately, who cares? There are tons of ambitious projects of varying degrees of quality. If I truly felt like a painting was mediocre, I wouldn't shower it with accolades just because the artist painted it while drunk in the desert while a crazy person yelled obscenities at them. I guess I also find it odd that people just assume that people already know these stories. For example, during the Apocalypse Now episode, Amy and Paul posited that perhaps the reason the film is so well regarded has more to do with the insanity of the production than the quality of the film, but...how many people really knew about the filming? I certainly didn't. And knowing it now has had zero impact on how I feel about it. Same for Titanic. Now, of course, maybe this is something AFI voters specifically give a shit about. I don't know. Maybe they really are like, pencil to lips, "Hmmm...Well, I prefer The Third Man, but Katherine Hepburn had to crap in a jungle so..." And, no worries! I'm not worried about anyone demeaning my love for the film - lol. We all like what we like. It's really nbd. I was just curious is all. It's been brought up a few times now, and when I heard it this time, I couldn't help thinking, "I have literally never based my opinion of a movie on the conditions under which it was filmed." I just wondered if anyone here had.
  14. 1 point
    To clarify, I think June was saying this was the 2nd Vanity movie in a short amount of time, being so close to Never Too Young to Die.
  15. 1 point
    Maybe her reactions to the heroin and the fact that she was able to kick the habit in 6 hours had to do with them not seeming to bother finding a vein the times we see her get injected. She is like the sketch of someone acting drunk while only having non-alcoholic beer.
  16. 1 point
    How about "Fraction Jackson, Son of Action"
  17. 1 point
    Sorry about that Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the prequels is that they are so ambitious, and I guess, he felt like they had to be a Trilogy. There was so much he was trying to accomplish that things often seem oddly paced - simultaneously fast and slow. Sometimes you just have to accept things as they come. That's why I highly recommend The Clone Wars - especially seasons 3 on. It fleshed out a lot of the things that seemed rushed or half-formed. You also get more of a sense of where Anakin was coming from, and how, in his mind at least, the Jedi failed. If you're looking for Prequels with better writing and execution, that's where you'll find them.* I mean, I get people were disappointed. I just feel like people kind of need to get over it now. Someone born when TPM came out is of voting age now** I find grown ass adults complaining about a 20-year old kids movie far more annoying than Jar Jar Binks any day. (ETA: Just to clarify, I 'm not saying that's what's happening here. This might be the one place where it's actually appropriate to have this conversation.) And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Prequels are perfect. I'm just saying, if we're being honest with ourselves, they're not drastically worse than the originals. *There are a lot of silly episodes, too. But Star Wars has always been a bit silly. ** Please vote
  18. 1 point
    Well for starters, So then to Cameron H.'s point that the deficiencies in the prequels are present in the original trilogy: this is absolutely true and not talked about enough in my opinion. The scripts for the prequels are bad, but the dialogue is poorly written in episode IV as well. There are some lackluster acting performances in the prequels, but we all forget that Mark Hamill was a kinda sorta shitty actor 40 years ago. As I alluded to before, I think Empire Strikes Back is the best script out of the first 6 films by far, and it's the only one that Lucas didn't have a screenplay credit on. Like Cameron H. said, Lucas's fantastic world-building skills are still very much utilized in the prequels, as they introduced lots of new aspects of the universe that are generally accepted. And frankly, I LOVE the idea of the prequels. If I got the elevator pitch on those films, I'd be completely in, what with the pod-racing, the Jedi council in Coruscant, the clone army detective mystery that Obi-Wan goes on, through the final battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin. All of that sounds awesome in theory (and much of it is awesome in practice). But the lows in the prequels are quite low. Cameron H.'s post sort of preemptively shut down any criticism I can make but suffice it to say it's the normal stuff: unnatural dialogue choices, tough casting choices for Anakin, and the super weird "romantic" scenes. For me, the disappointment about the prequels is not that they're bad, but it's that they could have been even better than the original trilogy with better execution. As it is, I don't think ANY of the Star Wars films are anywhere near as good as, say, Raiders. When we do Star Wars, it'll probably end up in the back half of my list.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    I'm so glad you were finally to come aboard. It's been great to have you here! Like I said, HDTGM attracts only the best.
  21. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? I don't know. It was 4-5 years ago. A friend recommended it out of nowhere and I just picked some recent episode that I had already seen the movie for. Then another and another. When I ran out of movies I had seen, I started watching movies just to listen to the episodes. Favorite catchphrase? A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) As Ms. Photo said, "What's its mission". Hearing this the first time is certainly up there with almost any moment from every podcast I've ever listened to. It just blew me away. Every aspect of it, from June's anger, Jason's infectious laughter. It's such a classic moment. The episode you revisit the most The Fast and Furious episodes get listened to quite a bit. Zardoz with just Paul and June because it's such a different episode and tone from the rest of the podcast. The movie that you loved or hated watching LOVED: The Fast and Furious movies obviously. Even if they weren't doing HDTGM, I'd be watching these movies anyway. I loved Runaway because I saw part of this movie as a kid but couldn't remember what it was called. All I could remember was the heat seeking bullet. Seeing the movie for the episode finally gave me an answer to a 30 year long question I had. Disaster Artist is great for seeing everyone in the movie and I think the only HDTGM movie to make me cry HATED: Garbage Pail Kids which I refused to watch again after seeing it years ago and it making me nauseous. Ninja Terminator and Yes, Giorgio were both real struggles. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine Every Friday, I start listening as soon as I get up. I can usually finish the episode during my morning routine before I get to work. I usually watch the movie Wednesday or Thursday night before the episode drops. The rest of the week is spent checking the boards here. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I think probably the biggest impact HDTGM has had on my life is creating a really great, welcoming community here on the message boards. I tried to join the boards like a year before I posted here and made an account but couldn't post for some reason. But I eventually made another account just so I could post with everyone here. This message board is certainly of the best, most open community I've been a part of. I even watched Monster Trucks for this community and that wasn't even a HDTGM movie. And throwing in Musical Mondays and the HDTGM Classics where we get together to (re)watch older HDTGM movies is one of my highlights of every month (and I don't want to say Unspooled's Facebook group stole that from us, but I can't rule that out...).
  22. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? The Punisher with Patton Oswalt and Lexie Alexander. I was part of a different message board (Oleg Rules! If you get that you're one of my peeps) where we bonded over bad 80s and 90s action movies. One day this crazy (I say with love) German guy recommended that ep and I loved it, but I wasn't quite on the podcast train yet. Sometime later, I discovered it again (I'm not sure how, probably due to my love for The League and my own [and continued involvement in] Fantasy football and the joke that I was the Andre of our league) and I listened to their ep on Cobra and totally fell in love. Favorite catchphrase? Give me your baby A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) I don't remember the episode, but Jason talking about his love of Gilmore Girls for the first time. That lead me to the Gilmore Guys podcast and now Good Christian Fun. The episode you revisit the most Cobra The movie that you loved or hated watching Confession, I rarely watch the films unless I know them already and want to revisit or something really grabs me, but I do listen to every episode. Hudson Hawk made me realize how much i love that movie. Same with Rad How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine I'm a wedding DJ mostly, and that means I spend a lot my Saturdays traveling, sometimes for hours, to get to a wedding job plus an hour or two to set up. Knowing I have an hour or two of Paul, June, and Jason to keep me company every other week is a...well it's almost a blessing. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any sappy stuff I don't talk about this a lot, but from May 2016 to May of 2017, I was homeless. I was working two jobs, trying to get back on my feet but as I'm sure many of you know it's hard to get back on your feet. I was living mostly in hotels, but sometimes in my car. And knowing that I had HDTGM, Paul, June, Jason, and their guests helped get me through some dark times. I remember sitting in my car, in a parking lot of a Wal-Mart waiting for my job at a restaurant to start and listening to Rad I believe it was, and just founding so much joy in that episode. Thanks to Musical Mondays, I joined the board (Just before the High School Musical week, iirc). Thank you Paul, June, Jason, and all the behind the scenes crew of HDTGM.
  23. 1 point
    Thanks, Shannon, for putting this together I'm not even sure where to start with this...but I'm sure I'm going to write too much. What was your first episode of HDTGM? - Honestly, I can't say that I remember - probably Godzilla or one of the others that I was already familiar with. What I remember more vividly was seeing this crazy banner ad on Cracked.com of three people (I didn't know who they were at the time) Photoshopped up to look like the movie poster for Junior. To be honest, it was a long time before I mustered the courage to click on that link. But day after day, it was there - luring me in with its siren song. I don't know who made that graphic, but they did an amazing job. It caught my eye and held my attention - demanding that I give this thing a chance. Favorite catchphrase? - June - "He's so small?" ; Paul - "Hello, people of Earth..." "When I worked at Blockbuster..." ; Jason - I can't think of anything specific, but I have always loved Jason's quieter moments. Especially in studio episodes, he'll say something quietly that kind of goes under the radar, but is really funny. The one that comes to mind right now was in I Know Who Killed Me and he says something like "I yelped. I Yelped Thai food restaurants because I was hungry..." Jason is incredibly witty and I love when that side of him shines from beneath the bombast (which I also love ) A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) - It's probably cliche at this point, but listening to them unravel the relationship of the people in the boat in Sleepaway Camp is pretty epic. The episode you revisit the most - I've always had a soft spot for Safe Haven. I also love Stayin' Alive and Tyler Perry's Temptaion: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor. The movie that you loved or hated watching - HATED: Hard Ticket to Hawaii and Ninja Terminator; LOVED: Rad, Last Dragon, Miami Connection What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff - I'm not even sure where to begin... I discovered HDTGM a little over four years ago. At the time, I was working a job that essentially had me behind the wheel of a car for 9-plus hours a day. While the job itself wasn't terrible, it was a pretty lonely existence. But one day, to my great fortune, I discovered this silly little bad movie podcast. Suddenly, the hours I spent on the road weren't so lonely. I had three or four friends in my ear discussing the types of movie's that I loved with the kind of humor and intelligence that I hoped I did when speaking with my own friends. And it wasn't just that they were funny, which, of course they were, but that they were legitimately good people. You could just tell. The way they spoke and presented themselves came off as so genuine - so caring. They lacked the artifice that one often expects from celebrities. So, the weeks began to fly by. I would laugh and feel so much joy and it made the whole work week that much more bearable. I couldn't wait for the next episode. Often, I would lay up somewhere and just listen through the newest episode before getting started with my day. It wasn't long before I wanted to be a part of the discussion. So I joined the Earwolf message boards, and, without hyperbole, it was one of my best decisions. Since then, coming to the boards has become a daily ritual for me. It's here that I've witnessed Paul's kindness and generosity first hand. And, for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure, Paul Scheer is, no joke, a genuinely good dude. He's always been encouraging and indulgent of us silly little forum people -our little community of continuity obsessed dumb-dumbs. It is also here on the message boards that I met some of the best people I have ever met. (Although, I've always maintained that HDTGM has always attracted a higher quality of fan, so I guess it's not that surprising.) There are literally too many people to name, but people whom I've formed real, lasting friendships with. People that I can't imagine going a day without speaking to at least once. The people on these boards have been with me through so many of my personal joys (the birth of my second son) and tragedies (the near-death of my father a couple of weeks ago). I know that with these people, I always have someone I can rely on. Whether it be a gif battle to pass a boring workday or a PM to ask if I'm doing okay, they are always there when I need them. These friends, whom I sincerely love, would not be in my life it weren't for HDTGM and that's something that is absolutely immeasurable. My life has changed so much since that day I wrote my first C&O on the side of a deserted country road. The job has changed. The kids have grown up (at least a bit). And the free time I used to have to listen to episode after episode has all but evaporated. But whereas other podcasts have been dropped, and I may not have the time to listen right away anymore, HDTGM has remained a fixture in my life - and will continue to be for as long as it exists. It brings me joy. It makes me laugh. And that's a priceless commodity. Every week, HDTGM pushes back on all of life's bull shit, and for an hour or so, you can forget about everything else as Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas take you by the hand, look you square in the eye and ask, "Where does the butt start?"
  24. 1 point
    This is amazing Shannon! Thanks for putting this together! I want to be able to answer all questions right now but I can't so I'm picking three and running with it lol Favorite catchphrase? Always always always, "What's its mission?!" June says the BEST shit and I wish I had snagged some of that merch before Disney yanked it off the site but alas I missed that and now it's forever stuck in my mind as one of the actual best moments of the show. I have to also give a beautiful shoutout to just "bonkers" because it is this show that has put that into my everyday vocabulary lol. The amount of things I have called T to B bonkers is in and of itself a little bonkers. Have I said it enough yet? Bonkers! The episode you revisit the most? "Sleepaway Camp" and "Deep Blue Sea" without a doubt. I do usually do a double feature of Deep Blue Sea and Lake Placid back to back since they were taped on the same night and PFT is in both, but DBS is the one that I absolutely love to listen to the most out of the two. And Sleepaway Camp is just a golden statue of an episode. It should go down in podcast history purely for the 10 minutes they spend trying to figure out who is related to who. It's also the episode I tell people to start on if they are just getting into the show. A perfect little nugget to get them introduced to the wild theories and hilarious banter between the three hosts and the guest. It makes me happy LITERALLY every time I listen. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff. God, where do I start? I think it's safe to say that as a member of this board, that this show has meant a hell of a lot to me from the get go. I was a little late getting into it, joining in 2014, but once I did I felt immediately welcomed by the crew already here and it felt like an easy transition to start posting my own thoughts and C&Os. The way that Jason, June, and Paul have brought together a large group of people who all have a love for movies (good or bad... but mostly bad lol) is absolutely astounding. I love the people that I have met because of this podcast. I love that I was able to actually MEET other fans of this podcast. I love that Paul interacts with us and chimes in and values our opinions and asks us every time to keep going because he loves reading what we have to say. Oh lord, I'm getting verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves for a bit... Anyway, this podcast above all others has never strayed away from what the core mission was supposed to be, and that's 4 friends talking about shitty movies that confound them. And now they have thousands of other friends talking along with them still trying to figure out how the FUCK did these get made??? I love this community, and I love this show, and I love Jason, June, and Paul. Thank you for 200 episodes (plus many mini eps)! Thank y'all so much for the entertainment and for staying true to who y'all are, and especially thank you for never quieting yourselves when people want you to shut up and stick to comedy. I think that above all else makes me feel safe as a fan of this show. I know this podcast and this forum are safe spaces for us all to come without fear of being ridiculed or yelled at or thrown away because any of us are not considered "normal" or what have you. Ugh I'm truly getting emotional so I better stop now lol. Thank y'all again and much love from your resident Texas photographer!
  25. 1 point
    This was my favorite podcast episode (of any podcast) of the year, bar none.
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